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okayactual t1_j2cytz8 wrote

You’re describing two different things though, movies about Hollywood/actors/film making, and movies set in a specific region. In this case those over lap due to the region. It sounds like you just dislike films about actors etc not the region itself. I also think people who haven’t lived or at least visited don’t really understand the greater Los Angeles area. It’s a huge span of land and has many different identities to it depending on where you are. Downtown LA is very different from say Burbank, or West Hollywood or the hills or Long Beach.


MissMags1234 t1_j2d8mob wrote

Licorice Pizza is about the San Fernando Valley where PTA grew up, not Hollywood.


okayactual t1_j2fvi6m wrote

Again I meant “Hollywood” as in the film scene/actors/movie making, not physical location.


joogiee t1_j2fuahy wrote

I feel los santos in gta 5 describes the diversity perfectly lol. So many different types of people and places.


2DEE831 t1_j2cwyg0 wrote

Why would anyone hate California, or any state, for that matter?


BulljiveBots t1_j2fpfyl wrote

People who hate California either have never been there or they hate LA from the 3 days and 5 square miles they visited.


2DEE831 t1_j2fszb6 wrote

I live in this small agricultural city about 10 minutes from the beach. The weather is perfect, people are chill and the food is great. If I need a little more variety or excitement, San Jose is an hour away and San Francisco is 2.


Hip_Hop_Hippos t1_j2e148i wrote

I think there's a fair point some cities have a very real, and weird obsession with the lifestyle/vibe/setting/whatever and that carries into media.

NY/LA have been like that forever. Boston has been coming on strong the past 25 years or so. It gets pretty tiring when a movie is as much about the LA-ness or NYC-ness of the setting as it is about whatever the movie is nominally about.

Also, there are a decent number of movies set in LA that are just Hollywood doing a circlejerk, inside baseball depiction of how great Hollywood is (even if they try to hide it). That's not necessarily LA's fault, it just happens to be big hub of where movies are made. Those movies would be insufferable if they were set in Toledo too.


safarifriendliness t1_j2dky9s wrote

Have you met Californians?


2DEE831 t1_j2dnx6i wrote

I am one ✋🏾


safarifriendliness t1_j2do42w wrote

Well I’m my experience California would be an amazing state if it weren’t for the people there, lots of aggressive weirdos


seltzerforme t1_j2e5lzf wrote

What Utopia do you live in?


safarifriendliness t1_j2e5tij wrote

Colorado, it’s like California with fewer heroin addicts and child molesters


tubz87 t1_j2eebee wrote

Colorado has half the population of the greater LA area alone. You have fewer of everything, including decent people, taco shops, and even birkenstock-clad nature enthusiasts.


safarifriendliness t1_j2ehqr9 wrote

You also won’t find greasy “photographers” trying to offer you “modeling gigs” at the airport


Biggie39 t1_j2f3qmf wrote

I get offered modeling gigs wherever I go… Colorado must just think you’re ugly, lol.


Steady-Nutty t1_j2czv7f wrote

What bugs me is that Hollywood is always romanticised and shown as this idyllic place, but in reality, a large portion of Hollywood is an absolute shithole.


Papaofmonsters t1_j2eoten wrote

LA Confidential, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, The Nice Guys, The Black Dalhia all show it to be a pretty terrible place. Even Hail Caesar shits on it through satire.


ejsell t1_j2d1xts wrote

Get Shorty, Singin' In The Rain, Once Upon A Time in Hollywood are some of my favorite movies. Along with L.A. Confidential. Half of my family is from the Los Angeles area and generaly speaking I don't like it out there. Don't like to visit there and have very little interest in the area. I also like movies set in or filmed around Chicago and Toronto but love visiting those areas and recognizing places in those films.


OfferOk8555 t1_j2erqlq wrote

I do think movies about Hollywood and the film industry can feel like the industry patting itself on the back

“Look at how important what we do is” it only really bothers me though when a movie like La La Land is getting Best Picture clout (thankfully it didn’t win, no offense to Chazelle who is especially Hollywood obsessed)


Huegod t1_j2d1hgh wrote

Depends. I don't care if its IN LA. Tons of good movies set in LA.

Now if its ABOUT LA yea I couldn't give a shit.


EngineerBoy00 t1_j2dlqn4 wrote

Some of my fave 'about Hollywood' movies:

Get Shorty

S. O. B. (featuring an iconic reveal I shall not spoil)

The Player

State and Main (about Hollywood invading a small New England town/filming location)


The Big Picture


HEHEHO2022 t1_j2di00r wrote

licorice Pizza isnt about hollywood though really. Its a character piece that is set in and around hollywood.


Kandron_of_Onlo t1_j2ddpqp wrote

I haven't seen a couple of my favorite "movie industry" films mentioned, soo..Bowfinger, a broad parody of the industry, and For Your Consideration, a subtle parody, both very entertaining and incisive in their own ways and atypical depictions of the Hollywood scene.


flojo2012 t1_j2ekin4 wrote

I’ve got nothing against California, but something about a lot of these movies keeps me from being immediately into them as well. I can’t explain it, I don’t know what it is. It just is


claytonianphysics t1_j2fbbwl wrote

Movies about Hollywood/LA/California/Earth rub me the wrong way.


TeacherTmack t1_j2fe74k wrote

I hate when movie center around professional filmmaking or acting, to the point I won't watch. No matter the geographical location, LA is legit beautiful and warm, I am timid about movies and tv where the plot is about making movies or tv. Some exceptions for sure, but it kills the verisimilitude. On top of that, it seems like a cheap way to stage a scene because they have all the equipment set up already, so it seems low effort. They even shot the Kraft service table! That line was definitely only for those who know they cater sets.

Mostly importantly, the killer is when it seems self-serving in a way that over glorifies the art of film-making to the point it feel pretentious. This is what makes me turn it off than any other reason. Pretentious tv/movies is a pet peeve - cooking shows so it too. I'm surprised OP is getting downvote this much.


whiskey_jones t1_j2cxiui wrote

I liked all three of those movies, so I can't really agree with you on that one. A lot of people do hate California, specifically Hollywood. It doesn't bother me, personally, though.

I did, however, dislike Babylon, so there's that.


bootlegvader t1_j2cxpjn wrote

> I did, however, dislike Babylon, so there's that.

That movie some how found out a way to drag out every scene, so even if it started off fun in the end the scene was just tedious, especially the end.


whiskey_jones t1_j2cxvsc wrote

So true. It's so self-indulgent, which is ironic because it's trying to expose the self-indulgence of Old Hollywood.


s0mnambulance t1_j2ffb07 wrote

I tend to have trouble with 'Hollywood stories,' as they're so insulated and specific, and most people can't relate directly (and, very often, the filmmakers wanting to make such a film don't care).

There are, of course, exceptions. Some I can think of that I like regardless are Cronenberg's Map to the Stars, not his best but still one I enjoy. But more than that one, while Under the Silver Lake is maybe more an LA movie than a Hollywood movie, it's my favorite such movie.

The novella Day of the Locust by Nathanael West is also a banger, despite being as old as it is. It's still oddly relevant and relatable. "The more things change..."


Accomplished_Rope137 t1_j2fjl2n wrote

The best LA movies:

LA Story

Modern Girls

Both feature LA/Hollywood and both are spectacular. Also The Player (and ofc Sunset Boulevard), are outstanding in every way.

OP, don’t toss aside great movies because you hate on the city my family’s been living in for over 100 years. Give these a chance.. you might surprise yourself.


Akira_Samurai_8836 t1_j2d4l7l wrote

I liked Once Upon a Time. But yeah it is very navel gazing. Don’t know why movies about movies keep getting made.


HEHEHO2022 t1_j2di541 wrote

yeah and endless superhero films or any sequels isnt just naval gazing either huh


Mei_iz_my_bae t1_j2cwttk wrote

Ehh I’m kinda with you I actually like movies in different especially rural areas but that’s cuz I live in LA idk


ChronoMonkeyX t1_j2d4f70 wrote

Movies about movie making, or anything similar like putting on a theater show, or where a writer is the protagonist, are generally shit. It's narcissistic and usually cringe.

Once upon time in Hollywood is not great, but it has enough of Tarantino's strengths to make it okay for a single watch, but I doubt I'll ever watch it again.

Birdman made me so angry when it started and had a pretentious subtitle, I immediately knew the ads were misleading. I'm still mad I paid to see that in the theater, and take joy in Keaton thinking he won but having to sit back down. Whoever edited that trailer should be in prison.
