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superfeds t1_j231zzq wrote

Nick Nolte was voted sexiest man alive. Hollywood tried to make him into a romantic lead. Multiple times.

Guy looks like a hobo who got dragged behind a train.


dinoroo t1_j232vxo wrote

I feel like they really embraced that in the 2003 Hulk movie.


superfeds t1_j233sv9 wrote

There was really a missed opportunity for shirt tearing nick nolte to transform and hang hulk dong.


OrganMeat t1_j234hd1 wrote

He looks like a goblin now, but 30 years ago (when he was voted sexiest man alive) he wasn't a bad looking guy.


superfeds t1_j234ngu wrote

The earliest he could have made a tinder profile was 2012.

But I’m not going to tuck your Nick Nolte yums lol.


jaytrain12 t1_j234z83 wrote

he wasn't bad in the 70s


superfeds t1_j2352cf wrote

Tinder came out in 2012.

He may have been 70’s Not Bad but he was 80’s dumpster fire and 90s homeless sheik.