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champagneproblem13 t1_j232fv5 wrote

Matt Smith, Adam Driver, EggsBenedict Cumberbelt


ArgonTheEvil t1_j234txu wrote

Came here to say Adam Driver. He's just.. not an attractive dude. I don't get what anyone sees in him. Maybe I don't understand because Im a straight guy, but I can also look at Chris Hemsworth or Zac Efron and go "Alright yeah I understand, I wish I looked like that too."

But Driver has some severe facial asymmetry, like beyond the average level that lots of people have, and you don't even have to be aware of it or looking for it to see something's off.


anonsequitur t1_j26uhx7 wrote

All of his features look so exaggerated. He looks like a caricature artist drew his head, then made it real, then another caricature artist drew a caricature of that head, and that's the head they gave him.


googly_eyed_unicorn t1_j234lh4 wrote

Smith seems very nice, John Oliver would still have the hots for him, and BC’s voice would raise some eyebrows


awesome_smokey t1_j23371v wrote

Yeah, Adam Driver. Can't for the life of me understand why any woman (or dude, let's be inclusive) finds that pointy-faced, chinless twat attractive.

And Matt Smith's no looker, either.
