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Prestigious-Escape t1_j233g5p wrote

Sadly, that was the only movie I could stand watching him in.


cryofry85 t1_j233jik wrote

I liked him in Pleasantville.


Prestigious-Escape t1_j233pa6 wrote

Ok, I’ll admit, that role was great for him. But I still stand by my Tobey Maguire dislike.


CohlN t1_j234t41 wrote

i enjoyed ‘brothers’ with him and jake gyllenhaal :)


Prestigious-Escape t1_j2351i1 wrote

I’m not denying he is a great actor. I just can’t with him, nor do I find him attractive. But it’s all in the eye of the beholder.


CohlN t1_j236ijb wrote

for sure i get it, i’ve heard he’s been uncool on set and i think that does translate over to how i perceive him (& others) in movies