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Afrodite_33 t1_j232coc wrote

Nicholas Cage. His fame gives him some license be weird but take that away and I think people would look at him as some village nut.


superfeds t1_j231zzq wrote

Nick Nolte was voted sexiest man alive. Hollywood tried to make him into a romantic lead. Multiple times.

Guy looks like a hobo who got dragged behind a train.


dinoroo t1_j232vxo wrote

I feel like they really embraced that in the 2003 Hulk movie.


superfeds t1_j233sv9 wrote

There was really a missed opportunity for shirt tearing nick nolte to transform and hang hulk dong.


OrganMeat t1_j234hd1 wrote

He looks like a goblin now, but 30 years ago (when he was voted sexiest man alive) he wasn't a bad looking guy.


superfeds t1_j234ngu wrote

The earliest he could have made a tinder profile was 2012.

But I’m not going to tuck your Nick Nolte yums lol.


jaytrain12 t1_j234z83 wrote

he wasn't bad in the 70s


superfeds t1_j2352cf wrote

Tinder came out in 2012.

He may have been 70’s Not Bad but he was 80’s dumpster fire and 90s homeless sheik.


SpaghettiLove2 t1_j231tnx wrote

Pete Davidson


melainaa t1_j232zb5 wrote

Idk, I mean I get it, he’s not the hottest so swipes might be low, but given the fact he must be funny and charming and has major BDE, I’m guessing he’d do better than the average Joe with those women who DO swipe on him:)


cryofry85 t1_j2324ot wrote

Good call. The amount of hot women this guy has dated is astonishing.


champagneproblem13 t1_j232fv5 wrote

Matt Smith, Adam Driver, EggsBenedict Cumberbelt


ArgonTheEvil t1_j234txu wrote

Came here to say Adam Driver. He's just.. not an attractive dude. I don't get what anyone sees in him. Maybe I don't understand because Im a straight guy, but I can also look at Chris Hemsworth or Zac Efron and go "Alright yeah I understand, I wish I looked like that too."

But Driver has some severe facial asymmetry, like beyond the average level that lots of people have, and you don't even have to be aware of it or looking for it to see something's off.


anonsequitur t1_j26uhx7 wrote

All of his features look so exaggerated. He looks like a caricature artist drew his head, then made it real, then another caricature artist drew a caricature of that head, and that's the head they gave him.


googly_eyed_unicorn t1_j234lh4 wrote

Smith seems very nice, John Oliver would still have the hots for him, and BC’s voice would raise some eyebrows


awesome_smokey t1_j23371v wrote

Yeah, Adam Driver. Can't for the life of me understand why any woman (or dude, let's be inclusive) finds that pointy-faced, chinless twat attractive.

And Matt Smith's no looker, either.


Prestigious-Escape t1_j2333rr wrote

I know I’m going to be downvoted for this, but Tobey Maguire. I always thought he looked smug, add in the waitresses that had to deal with him for those celeb poker nights, he is accounted for being a royal douche bag.


cryofry85 t1_j233bq2 wrote

I couldn't believe how much he'd aged in No Way Home.


Prestigious-Escape t1_j233g5p wrote

Sadly, that was the only movie I could stand watching him in.


cryofry85 t1_j233jik wrote

I liked him in Pleasantville.


Prestigious-Escape t1_j233pa6 wrote

Ok, I’ll admit, that role was great for him. But I still stand by my Tobey Maguire dislike.


CohlN t1_j234t41 wrote

i enjoyed ‘brothers’ with him and jake gyllenhaal :)


Prestigious-Escape t1_j2351i1 wrote

I’m not denying he is a great actor. I just can’t with him, nor do I find him attractive. But it’s all in the eye of the beholder.


CohlN t1_j236ijb wrote

for sure i get it, i’ve heard he’s been uncool on set and i think that does translate over to how i perceive him (& others) in movies


dtward t1_j232veq wrote

DJ Qualls


sydneyzsiticen4eva t1_j233r2v wrote

Probably Benedict Cumblepatch. Something about those eyes... When I was around 7 years old I woke up in a cold sweat and when to get a glass of water downstairs, and I heard this crazy scratching sound. My parents played dumb when I asked them about it in the morning, but his eyes always gave me a similar feeling.


vucal969 t1_j234utf wrote

I genuinely laughed out loud at this.

I’m not even sure I understood it.


i_want_a_cookie t1_j231sxk wrote

Gilbert Gottfried.


tcmasterson t1_j233hcr wrote

Yeah it's a shame, people are really shallow on Tinder and usually refuse to date dead people...


vandalia t1_j234qx9 wrote

Macaulay Caulkin


Papichuloft t1_j234y54 wrote

Just a list off the top of my head.....

Carrot Top

Steven Tyler

Mick Jagger

Kathy Griffin

Amy Schumer


ToyVaren t1_j233eo3 wrote

I cant believe charles bronson was a sex symbol.


googly_eyed_unicorn t1_j234ymw wrote

I would say that with 8 billion people in the world, someone is going still find them attractive and you’d be surprised how many people like Tom Holland for his looks


BabyLemonz t1_j235tnh wrote

Why are people saying adam driver?! The man’s a stud. I for one struggle seeing Owen wilson having much success with the apps.


cryofry85 t1_j236n7l wrote

Adam Driver has a good body but his face is just not attractive at all.


RoboModeTrip t1_j23302a wrote

Anya Taylor-Joy


cryofry85 t1_j2339gd wrote

Strong disagree on that one but to each his own!


googly_eyed_unicorn t1_j234pfy wrote

I get that she’s not everyone’s keep of tea; a lot of people would still be sipping though


ThisIsAyesha t1_j235acu wrote

Ok she's 95% very pretty and 5% 'why are her eyes so far apart'

I personally think you're right, but if the question is 'would she succeed on Tinder,' the answer is probably yeah.


Tattoosnscars t1_j2334of wrote

Amber Heard


Nmanga90 t1_j233u80 wrote

Nah bro she’s is extremely hot


elMaggott t1_j234qgk wrote

Yeah and not even a little hot , she's VERY hot, she could probably make a killing on tinder, before her true personality is revealed that is.