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Quetzacoatl85 t1_j262a9d wrote

What I liked:

  • The colors
  • The reveal of what their world actually is. Terry Pratchett vibes, hehe.
  • How they tried making a movie about family relationships, inclusivity, with no real bad guy, and a "use resources responsibly" message.

What I didn't like:

  • How they were crazy enough to try and do it all at fucking once and thus, mostly failed at it.
  • How the inclusivity stuff was just soooo on the nose. And I'm saying that as somebody that always criticizes when they make it the focal point of a character, and thinks it important they just roll with it. Here they did, and somehow still managed to make it annoying and give you the feeling they're really pressing your nose in it. Not a fan of that, at all, and I think it's actually doing the whole topic a huge disservice through the hate it's attracting – bad thing is, I can understand why.
  • How they did complete u-turns a few times, especially in regard to pando (and where does that stupid name come from?), with not so much as a thought. "Science" my ass, I hate how that term gets thrown around so inflationary nowadays in its own weird way of virtue signalling.
  • Didn't like the "cute sidekick character" of the movie. It ranges on the same level as Frozen's Olaf, and that's as low as it can go.
  • How the world was just too over the top and trying to be soo wacky and creative, again purely self-serving and trying to make a point out of it. As if they sat down and thought really hard about what the weirdest things were that they could come up with, and how they could make sure every two-year-old got that they did, instead of trying to do something interesting or consistent. At the same time, it felt like a cheap knockoff of Unce Upon A Time... Life. Just shitty world building in general.
  • Also, and that's just personal, I didn't really like the character design. Not so much the graphic aspect of it as the personalities, there was hardly anything likeable about any of them. Compare that with something like for example Encanto, completely different.

In short, nice colors, but only slightly above direct-to-video level.