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InitialOutcome3 t1_j28mpgr wrote

Bullet train DISLIKED IT. Made me laugh. I thought it was just a fun switch your brain off movie. It was alright. But one of my favs which didn’t make your list, All quiet on the western front was a brilliant movie.


TravelingFlipper t1_j28p9q9 wrote

Everything everywhere was my biggest disappointment of the year. Heard all this hype and the movie just fell flat to me. Half way through I was ready to turn it off. It was just a cheesy repetitive mess. Might be in by top 5 biggest movie disappointments ever.


Thi11yG00th t1_j28pnqf wrote

I actually liked Bullet Train. That's just a formatting issue. It was at the bottom of my "LIKED IT" section. I thought the anime-inspired action was pretty fun.

I'll be sure to check out All Quiet. Thanks for the recommendation!


MartinScorsese t1_j28q3qe wrote

> I think anyone could spot the enormous red flags. No major spoilers, but in the first 10 minutes, a man gets pooped on, in graphic fashion, by an elephant, and a completely different man in a completely different situation gets peed on by a woman.

Counterpoint: those are big reasons why Babylon rules.

> The commercials and trailers for this movie make it look like a four-quadrant movie that you’d want to take your grandma to see.

I'm sorry, that's just factually not true. The trailer includes scenes of characters snorting coke off of strippers.