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Impromark t1_j2dedn4 wrote

I was more taken out of the film when they showed the Mona Lisa as being a canvas. The Mona Lisa was painted on wood!

Anyway, Klear was one of several science fictioney elements to the story that didn’t make sense, and likely wasn’t meant to have too much thought put into it. The whole place was a Bond Villain’s lair anyway, why not have a Bond Vilain’s techno-macguffin while you’re at it in addition to the Bond alumnus actors?


mrhawkinson t1_j2deklu wrote

You’d have to be a very wealthy idiot to pay a zillion dollars to rent a fake Mona Lisa…


watakushi t1_j2dlhs4 wrote

I bet this was also completely intentional from Rian Johnson, with the attention to detail he has in these KO movies, he can't have missed that. Just another proof Bron is, as Blanc would put it, SO DUMB! xD


ihavetwelvesads OP t1_j2dpw7o wrote

I prefer if the painting were real, makes the ending so much more incredible


thelandsman55 t1_j2dqdz2 wrote

I don’t think gotcha-ing him with burning the Mona Lisa really works, it also cheapens the other interpretation of the ending which is that knowing who’s to blame can’t overcome huge power imbalances and sometimes the only way to achieve the barest recognition or catharsis is through violence.


Awesomocity0 t1_j2dq689 wrote

TIL. I've seen the Mona Lisa in person and didn't even realize.


sjfiuauqadfj t1_j2dvrqv wrote

the one thing that took me out of the movie was the idea that the squad knew each other before any of them got big and hung out at the same bar