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tygerprints t1_j1zy1do wrote

Yes. I found the "director's" or "restored" version of Apocalypse Now to be totally unwatchable. When I first saw the movie in theaters, I loved it (even though I hated it) and I found it a very powerful, disturbing movie.

But adding in all the cut footage only goes to show why that footage NEEDED to be edited out in the first place. It's instructive to see why those scenes were left out, and I feel that there's nothing to be gained by putting them back in.

When I saw the "restored" version of Alien, I hated the footage that was added back in. All it did was water down the narrative and make the film unnecessarily sloggy and and long.

There's a reason editors snip scenes from movies, even if the scenes are well shot or expensive.

When I was in film school (in the 80s) we learned the ratio is 6 to 1; you end up with 1 finished reel of film for ever 6 reels you shoot. That MUCH film is ultimately left on the cutting room floor, which makes movie making an extremely expensive undertaking.

But now things are shot digitally, so I'm not sure how all that works. At least there isn't as much celluloid getting tossed into landfills.