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Dont_Order_A_Slayer t1_j1lv3zs wrote

The part where Amon is setting up Kingsley in a room, with the young Jewish boy trying to put the table in place.

Amon is just circling like a shark, and every time the boy moves the table, or makes progress, Amon pushes it right back to square 1 where the boy started.

This scene illustrated his psychology and hatred far, far more imo than him waking up, and sniping the random camp prisoner(s) all before even taking a piss in the morning.

That shit he was pulling in the office room scene every time the boy made progress.

Just .. wow.

Took me almost 30 years to realize it, too.

Unbelievable scene.


SeriousFox96 OP t1_j1lw32r wrote

Ahh the more you spoke about it, the more I recalled it bearing that much depth