2023 is a big year for movies entering the public domain. Notable films coming out of copyright tomorrow include the first Academy Award Best Picture, Wings, Fritz Lang's Metropolis and Al Jolson's The Jazz Singer. Other notable directors with films entering the public domain tomorrow include F.W. Murnau, John Ford, Cecille B. DeMille and Alfred Hitchcock.
Full list here:
AlanMorlock t1_j2co5s8 wrote
Every year Public Domain day mostly just hilights hoe absurd thr US public domain laws are to begin with. Fritz Lang has been dead for almost 50 years. Basically the entire crew, cast, entire potential audience of anyone who could have seen the film upon release have been dead foe years. There's little reason Metropolis shouldn't have been in the public domain years ago, and little films from, say, 20, years after it shouldn't already be also.
Under the original laws, films from the early 90s would be entering now unless specifically renewed.