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Electric43-5 t1_j2f1jng wrote

Yeah. In a lot of ways I find it superior to Red Dragon.

-Brian Cox plays a very different kind of Hannibal Lector. He's not charming at all and really wears his assholish nature on his sleeve

-William Petersen as Will Ghraham seems a lot more unhinged and way more into getting into the headspaces of the murderers he investigates

Plus its got Michael Mann at the height of his artistic powers. An absolute must watch


Jackieirish t1_j2f3mu9 wrote

And it's got Dennis Farina who's just great.


Electric43-5 t1_j2f46l6 wrote

I gotta rewatch Midnight Run, love Dennis in that.

"You and that other dummy better start getting personally involved in your work, otherwise i'm gonna stab you in the heart with a fuckin pencil"


tacoma73 t1_j2f4s0w wrote

One of my favorite lines of his hahahahha


Gorevoid t1_j2f4cg2 wrote

Pretty much every way. I still don’t understand how Ratner got such a bad performance out of Ed Norton.

Also Tom Noonan was super creepy.


Electric43-5 t1_j2f4mws wrote

Well Ratner is no Michael Mann first off.

And I don't think Norton gave a bad performance its more like his Will Graham is more reserved and afraid of how he can get into the mindset of killers. Its different and I would understand why some people would prefer it.

I think William Petersen's take is just more entertaining


Gorevoid t1_j2fg770 wrote

Norton just had a comically slack jawed confused look on his face most of the time, it was super awkward.


newworldpuck t1_j2f71ix wrote

I always thought Noonan was a scarier Dolarhyde than Fiennes.


TheSmithySmith t1_j2fd1ha wrote

Because Fiennes’s Dolarhyde is basically Green Goblin with how he’s battling a murderous alter-ego. It’s not very grounded or unbelievable and, consequently, not very scary.


loserys t1_j2fdq88 wrote

William Petersen should have been a bigger star. Hugh Dancy definitely borrowed a lot from his performance on Hannibal.

His line delivery is full of classics.

“Just you and me now, sport.”


buttsniffs4000 t1_j2ff0nn wrote

I think Peterson intentionally stepped away in the 90s to do theater.

Lots of rumors he turned down the role of Henry Hill.