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failinglikefalling t1_j2frguf wrote

Original cut of mallrats was horrible before the studio made it something.


Owasso_Landman t1_j2frvgl wrote

Ghostbusters was a hot mess before the studio asked them to rewrite the script.


ToyVaren t1_j2frxrs wrote

The matrix was supposed to be a trilogy, studio forced it to be cut down to one movie.


Crenorz t1_j2fsfue wrote

The Abyss. Directors cut sucks. Director paid out of self pocket for the last 23 min or so and studio said no, not what we agreed to and had it removed. Much better after.


V_the_Grigori t1_j2ftgdo wrote

Payback(1999). The director was fired and something like 30% of the movie was reshot (after also being delayed about a year). It became much more stylish and threw in an explosion for the finale. Much more entertaining than the eventual director's cut from 2005.


lizzpop2003 t1_j2ftjz0 wrote

Every single good, non independent, film you have ever seen in your life was the positive result of a ton of studio involvement. It's only called interference when directors or actors are trying to blame someone after the fact.


iluvbacon1985 t1_j2ftouj wrote

Toy Syory comes to mind. The full story is long but basically Jeffrey Katzenberg altered the movie multiple times through the development.


mountainhighgoat t1_j2ftrv2 wrote

Justice League. It wasn’t 4 hrs and didn’t have a stupid screaming goat sound every time Wonder Woman appeared.


Blue--Cat t1_j2fu7v4 wrote

Payback - The directors cut was a lot darker and lacked the light hearted tone of the theatrical cut. It's far from terrible, but the directors version just didn't have as satisfying an ending as the theatrical cut. It is interesting just how different the two versions are.


LatkaGravas t1_j2fubqc wrote

Rogue One (2016). The first cut reportedly was a mess. Original director was fired. Ron Howard Someone else was brought in as a replacement. They re-wrote and re-shot about half the movie.

There are some great scenes in the original trailer that are not in the movie as a result, and that sucks, but I think we can all agree that the movie came out awesome regardless.

Edit: Fixed. Same result, though.


WeDriftEternal t1_j2fuv0m wrote

The studio changed a massive amount on the script and it went through a Lot of revisions. The movie we got is pretty different than earlier iterations. It was way more religious and sci fi script with some more complicated characters and Morpheus was a bit of a villain

Although more to note, the matrix was being sold almost entirely based on the new effects and action not the script, which was way secondary.


mrsilas13 t1_j2fuwoj wrote

Ad Astra apparently had a good bit of studio interference, and even though I still enjoyed it, you can easily tell that the pacing of the movie is pretty weird.


lizzpop2003 t1_j2fuy0f wrote

Wrong movie. Ron Howard had nothing to do with Rogue One. He took over on Solo.

Reportedly the things they made Edwards change on Rogue One, while big, were more in the vein of rearranging and adding more emotional weight to the last act battle, but he stayed onboard the whole time.


VisVirtusque t1_j2fv90x wrote

Every Hollywood movie has a ton input from multiple people from multiple from all levels of the movie-making process.


LatkaGravas t1_j2fvhmx wrote

Was it the studio or was it Ivan Reitman (director)? In every interview I've seen with Reitman over the years he has said he (not the studio) suggested to Aykroyd that the story was way too big and would be unfilmable due to the exorbitant cost, and he suggested making it a smaller, going-into-business story set in present day to make it feasible (and also to help with the comedy). He also suggested bringing in Harold Ramis to help Aykroyd with the re-write and to Aykroyd's credit he readily agreed. It also made it a no brainer to cast Ramis as a Ghostbuster (since Eddie Murphy turned it down to do Beverly Hills Cop instead). Ramis was used to writing for Bill Murray, who they were thinking of asking to replace John Belushi (who died after Aykroyd had written the first treatment), and Ramis and Murray were friends and had already worked together on screen successfully once before in Stripes.


Mad_Rascal t1_j2fvl45 wrote

You got almost everything right. It was Tony Gilroy, not Ron Howard that came in to salvage Rogue One. Which is probably why they also gave Gilroy the prequel show to Rogue One, Andor.


WeDriftEternal t1_j2fvmbj wrote

No. The original script for the matrix was pretty different. A lot of elements of it that were cut ended up in the actual sequels. It was never really gonna be a trilogy but they had outlines for everything which is normal in production.

The original matrix ending was a lot less heroic, Neo doesn’t kill the agents, he just wins and flips them off and leave. Then the final part ended with it being highly hinted at the real world being another matrix level


riegspsych325 t1_j2fw660 wrote

I still have yet to see the other cut, almost did once. But before I clicked it on it with the remote, it played a little intro with Kevin Smith who pretty much said it as you described. So I just watched the theatrical. How bad is it by comparison?


ThisIsCreation t1_j2fwdz3 wrote

I saw it for the first time this year & was blown away. The way it captures the vastness of space, it makes you feel tiny.

I was sure that the movie was going to be terrible, but i thought it was incredible. I hope in time people revisit it & give it the praise it deserves.


riegspsych325 t1_j2fwi8m wrote

was Gareth Edwards(Evans?) fired? I swore he was involved in reshoots but shared it with Gilroy. I recall Gareth talking about the Vader sequence being part of reshoots and he even cameoed in it, too. He also invited Peter Jackson to the set that day but didn’t tell him what they were filming


Skywalkling t1_j2fwy24 wrote

I'm no hater, but I absolutely think that the 4+ hour cut, which featured tons of superfluous scenes and many of the same lame plot contrivances the theatrical cut featured, was a step down from the mediocre product initially released in cinemas. What a wasted opportunity by a director who finally could have released the best version of his movie possible, but instead settled for just chucking everything back in and assuming more is better.


WeDriftEternal t1_j2fwza7 wrote

Lots of info from back in the day. There used to be some copies of older scripts on movie newsgroups and discussions of them. Yeah that old and obscure. Not sure what is around today.

It’s a bit odd in that long ago there was often tons of legit internal movie info available, alternate bootleg cuts, and such that today would seem insane to ever hit the internet or street.


riegspsych325 t1_j2fx33c wrote

even regardless of that, it felt like a mix of oil, water. Whedon may have gone off the rails with his own whedonisms (and his ego), but even he had his stuff re-edited by the studio and Geoff Johns.

Thank goodness somebody at WBD had the foresight to keep Gunn on payroll and promote him. Hell, that wouldn’t even have happened if Disney didn’t fire Gunn in the first place


Simp2B t1_j2fx7bi wrote

I think the first Star Wars required alot of editing to make it what it is now.