Submitted by SmallTownDisco t3_zy52i1 in movies

It seems like a lot of movie shorts get made but then there’s no way to actually watch them. Maybe in a random film festival here and there, but that seems like a low-target way to get a short out there. Are there any good streaming sources to seem some of this potentially really great work that will not likely be shown in theaters and doesn’t seem to get any space on the major movie streaming sites?



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Livid_Library_8106 t1_j23rx56 wrote

Criterion Channel is streaming 792 shorts at the moment, ranging from 1 minute movies to 40 minutes at max. You'll find shorts from 1902 to 2022. Here are link to the shorts that they should have at the moment:

Edit: If the list shows all movies you can filter it by clicking on the eye symbol in the menu and click on: Show short films.


LadySynth t1_j241hfh wrote

I watch a lot of short films on Vimeo.


[deleted] t1_j249jh2 wrote

If you’re into horror, Shudder has a shorts section


fromdecatur t1_j24x76j wrote

Agree with all these. Omeleto is my go-to. If the movie looks at all interesting to me, it turns out that way most of the time. If you can find a curated list on Vimeo you can find a lot of movies as well. If the tv interface for your streaming services doesn't have a way to search for short movies, try the internet version of the site.


PunyParker826 t1_j25626t wrote

Kanopy (free with a library card) has a shitload; the only annoying part is that - at least for me - there’s a 10 film limit on monthly streams, and if you watch 4 or 5 fifteen minute shorts, you’ve burned through half of them.