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Asha_Brea t1_j250srr wrote

10 = awesome

9 = great

8 = great

7 = good

6 = meh

5 = average

4 = bad

3 = shit

2 = someone else's shit

1 = warm wet shit


xxStrangerxx t1_j251go2 wrote

I don't have a rating system. I just try to find what's enjoyable

When I don't like something but there's a lot I can tell that's good about the movie, I try to figure out its intended audience and try to see it through that lens


Kwaann t1_j2524zj wrote

i say 5 = perfect/almost perfect 4.5 = very good 4 = great 3.5 = above average pretty good 3 = average 2.5= not very good 2= bad


Kakashi168 t1_j2525br wrote

10 - one of my favorite movies

9 - very good, exceptional in one ore more ways

8 - good (most movies I watch get this rating)

7 - solid, not bad but nothing I really liked either

6 - ok...nothing particularly good, not bad either, maybe a bit disappointing

5 - mediocre...some ok stuff but I overall didn't really like it

1-4 - I barely rate movies this low. It depends on how much the movie pisses me of I think.

I know that I rate the movies pretty soft but first of all I mostly only watch movies I think I will like and second I try to enjoy movies as much as I can because liking things is better than disliking things...


Intelligent-Age2786 t1_j2526xa wrote

As a consumer, if a movie is entertaining to me, and I enjoy it thoroughly and immensely, that’s enough to get a high ranking. I don’t like to critically compare movies to one another cuz it creates unnecessary arguments as well as unnecessary comparisons that sort of ruin the fun for certain people. Some of the movies I consider the greatest ever, would probably get me blacklisted from this sub forever


Mentalyillwalrus t1_j2527ny wrote

5 = all around perfect / 4 = not quite a 5 but still enjoyable / 3 = average / 2 = it was a movie / 1 = why do I continue to do this to my self and waste my free time/


NoTransportation888 t1_j252p55 wrote

I find it difficult to use a 5 star system, honestly.

Most things I watch I enjoy or see enough value in it and would give 3-4. It would have to be spectacular or total shit for me to deviate outside of 3-4 lol


rosebudthesled7 t1_j252qv1 wrote

I call it the Cage Gauge and I rate by level of insanity vs normality. There are 6 levels all signified by stills of Nic Cage's face from various movies.


Fridgeoff t1_j252x2f wrote

  • 10 - Masterpiece
  • 9 - Phenomenal
  • 8 - Excellent
  • 7 - Great
  • 6 - Good
  • 5 - Average
  • 4 - Below Average
  • 3 - Bad
  • 2 - Awful
  • 1 - Absolutely Horrible

greedygandalf1414 t1_j2532fc wrote

10 - top 3

9 - top 10-15

8 - anything I enjoyed the entire way

7 - things that I enjoyed but weren't well written or enjoyed most of it but had minor problems

6 - major problems but still slightly entertaining

5 - no entertainment value, time was wasted when watching the movie

4 to 1 - negative entertainment value, was cringing or literally feeling worse when and after watching than before watching


SvodolaDarkfury t1_j253act wrote

Great movie, would watch again.

Great movie, once was enough.

Good movie, may watch again.

Okay movie, was worth watching once.

Bad movie, but at least I understand the memes.

Bad movie, didn't finish watching it. (Very few reach this category).


A40 t1_j253ao5 wrote

If I want to rewatch a movie (like, ever), it's good.

If I do rewatch a movie, it's very good.

If I rewatch a movie more than once, it's great.


OGcrypto22 t1_j253hg3 wrote

My movie rating is only two categories to make it simple

A) Worth watching

B) Not worth watching


Refreshingpudding t1_j253iaq wrote

  1. Sucks ass
  2. Meh
  3. Watchable
  4. Pretty good
  5. Very good, recommending to friends

bigtimetimmyjim92 t1_j253pyv wrote

4 stars- Holy shit what a great movie (2022 example, Everything Everywhere All At Once)

3 stars- I enjoyed watching that (Top Gun Maverick)

2 stars- Meh, that was fine. Not really for me (Uncharted)

1 star- Watching this movie was literally a waste of my time (Morbius)


talon1585 t1_j253rd8 wrote

Considering tasts in movies like other forms of art are subjective, I give a Good/Ok/terrible with a discreption. For example the room is a terrible movie but a good movie for bad movie night. Then i would add, it's about this .


mpwalters t1_j253y11 wrote

I hate everything. Except for the movies I love; those are fabulous but you probably wouldn't like it. Everything else OK, I guess.

Not a good or logical system but I've been told that's how I rate movies. Does sound like me.


Little_Neddie t1_j2546xu wrote

5- Fantastic, a rare find.

4 - Very good. Recommended.

3 - Decent but unremarkable.

2 - Not very good (though not without some merit).

1 - A complete waste of time. Avoid.


FreeLook93 t1_j2549mi wrote

10 - fantastic
9 - Great
8 - Very good
7 - Good
6 - Decent
5 - Fine
4 - meh
3 - bad
2 - awful
1 - unmitigated failure


ViolentAmbassador t1_j254ad3 wrote

10 - loved it, no complaints

9 - loved it, with some minor reservations

8 - liked it, but wouldn't be comfortable calling this one of my favorites

7 - liked it but I think there are distinct flaws

6 - okay, I'm mixed on it but on balance I liked it, or I think this movie is very well done but I didn't really click with it

5 - okay, mixed but on balance I didn't like it

4 - bad but has some redeeming qualities

3 - bad but has a single good scene or redeeming quality

2 - Sucks and I don't think there's anything I liked in it, but at least it's a competently made movie

1 - reserved for incompetently made movies (The Room) and the absolute worst of the worst movies that actually made me mad. I've rated 1501 movies on Lettsrboxd and given this rating three times


Diegoskyy t1_j2551zw wrote

  1. Probably some bad college project
  2. Those c movie horror films
  3. 2000's adam sandler comedy films
  4. Moonfall
  5. Formulaic and boring Marvel movies (Black Widow, Thor 2...)
  6. Oscar bait
  7. Most of Mission Impossible
  8. Most of the movies I watch end up here
  9. David Fincher
  10. Masterpiece (personal pick: Schindler's List)

garrisontweed t1_j2552ui wrote

If I’m watching from home.Did I watch it all the way through without pausing.Thats a good start.


CraniumCensor t1_j2556gv wrote

5 = I liked this alot lmao

4 = between 5 and 3

3 = average

2 = underwhelming

1 = bad

and to quote u/Intelligent-Age2786:

>As a consumer, if a movie is entertaining to me, and I enjoy it thoroughly and immensely, that’s enough to get a high ranking. I don’t like to critically compare movies to one another cuz it creates unnecessary arguments as well as unnecessary comparisons that sort of ruin the fun for certain people. Some of the movies I consider the greatest ever, would probably get me blacklisted from this sub forever


Stacy_Ann_ t1_j255835 wrote

5 - A personal favorite, regardless of objective quality

4.5 - An excellent film, solid on all levels and outstanding on one or more levels, has potential to become a favorite with a rewatch

4 - A very good film overall

3.5 - Enjoyable, possibly flawed on some levels or forgettable, but not a waste of time

3 - Mediocre. Good for the type of film it aspires to be but nothing truly special

2.5 - I can understand why some people would like it, or it has a few redeeming quality aspects, but overall has more bad than good

2 - Not a good movie but had one or two mildly redeeming aspects

1.5 - A bad movie with perhaps one or two aspects that weren't completely awful

1 - Terrible

0.5 - The worst of the worst, or ones that I stopped watching before the end. Something that went the extra mile when it comes to being bad


Bike_Mechanic_Man t1_j2558sy wrote

Mine describes what mood I have to be in to watch the movie. Whether I’m looking for an adventure, something new, something funny, something stupid that is a guilty pleasure, something I’ve seen a million time to not pay too close attention to, etc.

Otherwise movies in each of those categories are pretty equal.


reysama t1_j255jh6 wrote

1 - didnt like
2 - liked
3 - love it

I dont need more


Jkeezy93 t1_j255jum wrote

That's my rating system.


NiceGuyRupert t1_j255px8 wrote

  1. Believable worlds - taking you to other places, mundane and fantastic that don't trigger ur bullshit alarm, either using a combination of interesting cinematography, music, writing, acting (obviously props/effects etc), and/or because there is an edge, a style, a theme, a something... a 'heart' that grasps you - and you it...
  2. Everything else - all the bullshit tax write-offs, incestuous production company collaborations, gambles, try-hards with no talent that have beguiled investors. Or... entire studios with an abundance of cash, because they are rich from selling something else, or state funded to spew some bullshit version of history or fake tale of cultural zeitgeist to appeal to some algorithmic demographic to maximise profitability - conning 'has-been', new, jobbing or pragmatic actors (and their agents) into making an ass of themselves, dangling their talents or lack of them in front of some totally unrelated agenda, that pukes its insidious deception and foul rotten offal upon the audience - who believed the reviews on some online platform that also sell the product. Also all the cheap ass projects that choose to make the 'locked in a room' trope, or any other way of blatantly minimising costs without the talent to hold the screen.

Saintbaba t1_j2565sd wrote

1 to 5 stars.

5 is things that are literally on my list of favorite movies. I try not to put things here and keep it slim.

1 is terrible and hated it.

Between those two extremes, 3 is i liked it - not a lot, not like i'll go out of my way to watch it again, but i don't regret watching it. 4 is i liked it a lot, though it's not something i'll cherish in my heart forever as the best of the best. Most things live at 3 and 4. 2 is not good or functional but boring.


rjwv88 t1_j256baa wrote

for my letterboxd, I think of it as 1-10 rather than stars (so 3.5 stars is 7/10), and I kinda rate like:

  • 1-5/10: varying degrees of bad, did not enjoy… rarely use these ratings as I don’t tend to see ‘bad’ films
  • 6/10: probably a fairly mediocre movie but I found it entertaining, worth a watch if it’s your thing (something like Crank/Crank 2 for example)
  • 7/10: solid movie, nothing groundbreaking but also no obvious flaws, entertaining enough
  • 8/10: the sort of movie you’d start to recommend regardless of someone’s general preferences, no real flaws but also probably not particularly innovative, just a standout film of its genre
  • 9/10: the sort of film you could see someone including on a ‘best of all time’ list, an easy recommend for most people, does something above and beyond what you’d expect of a film in its category… you’ll be thinking about it the next day
  • 10/10: highly personal and perhaps not even a film I’d generally recommend, but for me this is a film that leaves a deep impression, I think if I gave someone a list of my 9/10s it’d be a fairly generic list of good movies, whereas my 10/10s would be pretty eclectic (perhaps with some questionable choices) but they’d reflect me as a person… I also tend to go a bit more in depth when I review these ones

there’s also the ‘like’ option, I use that when I want to rewatch a film… so it’s possible I might see a film I rate as 9/10 but don’t ‘like’ it - that just means I recognise it’s impact and artistry but it didn’t necessarily resonate with me


Intelligent-Age2786 t1_j256ciu wrote

My top 5 are:

  1. Return of the King
  2. The Empire Strikes Back
  3. The Godfather Part II
  4. Infinity War/Endgame
  5. Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Like I said if a movie is entertaining enough it gets a spot. I’m a big defender of superhero movies and believe a bunch of them are some of the best movies so that’s the part I believe people would flame me for. When I do rankings I look at enjoyability, cultural impact, and word of mouth. Primarily my own personal enjoyability when I watch movies. I also like to treat every movie as a stand-alone cuz there’s room for all movies and no reason to compare.


girafa t1_j256jt0 wrote

10 - no such thing

9 - goddamn near perfect

8 - a lot of fun or really enjoyable

7 - a good solid experience

6 - enjoyable, but meh

5 - meh

4 - actively annoying to watch

3 - yelling at the screen it's so stupid

2 - quietly embarrassed for all involved

1 - not really even a movie, just torture to watch


nojustice73 t1_j256kdu wrote

  • Amazing
  • Liked it
  • Didn't Like it
  • Terrible

DeezSaltyNuts69 t1_j256t2o wrote

why bother?

I guess as you get older movies fall into, I'd either watch again or why bother

I really don't need ratings


ButtDealer t1_j256y9k wrote

Suffered and didn't have fun----> Didn't suffer and didn't have fun ----> Suffered and had fun ----> Didn't suffer and had fun.


2DEE831 t1_j256zec wrote

👍🏽 (enjoyed watching)

👎🏽 (did not enjoy watching)


curbstompery t1_j2573x6 wrote

I personally use a 4 star system. Growing up we only ever had one cable provider, and every movie on the cable guide had a 4-star rating system. 4 stars being the best possible rating and 1 being the worst. Half stars can also be attained. Any films under 3 stars are not "great" and should be considered rentals at best.

Example: Godfather is 4 stars, Fellowship is 3.5, Signs is a 3, etc...

most recent movie I watched was House of Gucci. I give it a 2.5 out of 4. the acting carried it, I also enjoyed the costume design, but editing and direction was bad, catch it on streaming but dont buy, and its not worth a rewatch. But I also recently saw Banshees of Inisherin and Nope. I give Banshees a 3.5 and Nope a solid 3.


Can't remember the last time I watched a true 4. Maybe Parasite.


Yiujai86 t1_j257j2n wrote

Five Star rating system

5 Stars - Activily seek to rewatch

4 Stars - Will rewatch if it comes up

3 Stars - Average Movie

2 Stars - Bad movie

1 Star - So bad I never finished and / or skipped through most of it just to see the ending.


sdannyc t1_j25822s wrote

A couple years ago I realized part way into a Fast and The Furious movie that I was having a blast even though the franchise is pretty commonly called out for being less than intellectually inspiring.

As I walked out of the theatre I realized I had 3 ratings.

  1. I loved it
  2. It was fun
  3. It wasn't for me

I've enjoyed way more movies after simplifying the buckets that I organize them in.


CRSRep t1_j2582i2 wrote

This is something I've often wondered about with other people. I see a lot of "worst movie I've ever seen!" on this subreddit. Makes me wonder how many movies they've actually seen.


SweetCosmicPope t1_j258eqr wrote

I go by a 10 point scale that looks something like this:

10 - Masterpiece

9 - Great movie

8 - Good movie

7 - Enjoyable enough

6 - It was okay, but I probably wouldn't watch it again

5 - At least I didn't pay to see it...

4 - This was pretty bad. But at least there was full frontal nudity in it.

3 - There is nothing redeemable about this movie.

2 - I hate this movie and hope that it gets removed from history.

1 - Chairman of the Board


dyldebus t1_j258j4p wrote

It’s hard. Take a movie like T2. I’d give it a 5 and could watch it over and over again every year. Then take There will be Blood. Also a 5 but I don’t think I could sit through it again.


sayjunecar t1_j259en2 wrote

I try not to think too hard about ratings because I think they're generally more useful as a conversation-starter than a hard set point, but on a five star scale it's vaguely...

1 or less - Incoherent. Either no effort went into the project, or those working on it just lacked the technical knowledge to make anything work

2 or less - Clear artistic intent, but a still-obvious lack of competency. Conversely, technically competent but soulless or ill-considered

3 or less - Average overall. Worth watching, but lacks characteristics to really distinguish itself from others, or has strong/interesting ideas, but ultimately fails to deliver

4 or less - All the marks of a well-made film, and interesting enough to really remember. Anything 4 or above I'd be happy to rewatch or recommend practically anywhere, anytime.

5 or less - Outstanding in all or most aspects, always worth watching. I generally think that the difference between a 4 and a 5 is really just personal resonance, as anything above a 4 should be overall already be technically and artistically sound.


SolOwnsUsAll t1_j25aex8 wrote

⭐️ Yams

⭐️⭐️ Turnips

⭐️⭐️⭐️ Cauliflower




xmal16 t1_j25ag7c wrote

So much on my Letterboxd has a 4 cause I rate stuff based on what it set out to do. Like it’s not The Godfather, but it wasn’t trying to be The Godfather. Did it achieve its goal as a movie?


BillionTonsHyperbole t1_j25aowi wrote

I rather enjoy the rating system developed by the crew at Double Toasted. In descending order, each with a "high or low" option:

Better than Sex: This film is excellent, and pushes the boundaries of cinema as an art form.

Full Price: A very enjoyable film which is worth paying full price for in the cinema.

Matinee: Worth seeing in the cinema, but not worth paying full price for, or at least during the initial theatrical run.

Rental: Can be enjoyed, but still has a variety of flaws. This is worth waiting paying very little to see after the theatrical release.

Some Ol' Bullshit: The crew recommend against paying any money to see this film, and has very little that redeems it.

Fuck You: The crew actively recommends against seeing this film at all. This rating is typically given when a critic is angered or offended by a film's content, and indicates that it has absolutely no redeeming qualities.


Ladybeetus t1_j25as50 wrote

IMAX see it on the biggest screen possible with best presentation

village - See it with at a big theater with an enthusiastic crowd of fans (good movie)

theatre- put forth effort and money to watch it

avco/drivein - pay to see it with an enthusiastic crowd (of drunk people making fun of it, bad movie)

rental - put a small amount of money towards making sure you catch it.

cable - watch it if it requires absolutely no effort on your part

airplane - I will need to be held prisoner before I watch this ***aka a clockwork orange

village and avco are specific theatres in West Los Angeles that tended to book the appropriate films of that type.


cookiemagnate t1_j25b2q9 wrote

5 point system for the following categories:

  • Directing
  • Cinematography
  • Performance
  • Writing
  • Music

Find the average


  • If I feel like they succeeded or failed in their Genre
  • If I feel like they succeeded or failed in their intent

For instance, just watch Del Toro's Pinnocchio

  • Directing: 4/5
  • Cinematography: 5/5
  • Performance: 4/5
  • Writing: 3/5
  • Music: 2/5

Average = 3.6

+1 for Animated Fantasy

+1 for intent

Total 5.6 out of 7


  • 0 = Should be forgotten
  • 1 = Terrible
  • 2 = Meh
  • 3 = Fine
  • 4 = Good
  • 5 = Great
  • 6 = Excellent
  • 7 = Masterpiece

(Edited for formatting)


TheDotCaptin t1_j25b663 wrote

Here's mine.

A) Worth rewatching

B) Would recommend, but not enough to rewatch myself.

C) Would not recommend, but I watched the whole movie

D) Left / did not finish

E) Did not bother watching


LoveEffective1349 t1_j25bh77 wrote

at the top is Jaws

at the Bottom Congo.

Jaws is a perfect movie

Congo is the closest I have ever come to walking out of the theatre.

dead in the middle between them is the Fast and Furious 2009


everything else is on a spectrum between those 3


squeegeeq t1_j25c8dr wrote

Rewatchable yearly.

Rewatchable every couple years.

Once is good.

Once is too many.

I can't believe I've done watched even 10 minutes of this.


Bruce-Wayne46 t1_j25cerm wrote

10 is the Perfect movie ( I’ve never given a 5, because then a movie can never be better)

9.9-9.0 is an almost perfect movie , masterpiece

8.9-8.0 is a great movie

7.9-7 is a good movie

6.9-6.0 is ok - nothing special but worth a watch

5.9 and below is bad - 4’s are terrible and so forth


Flags12345 t1_j25cgxj wrote

5 star system for me:

5 - Wow!

4 - Good

3 - Eh. No strong feelings.

2 - Bad, but enjoyable

1 - Just straight bad


BecauseAlienz t1_j25cjv6 wrote

Most people seem to rate 5 stars or 10 points as "masterpiece" or something similar, but I personally reserve 10 for films that made the most impact on me. So 9 for me is trying to have more of an objective rating of perfect, whereas 10 (5 Stars) is for the ones that I feel are objectively perfect, but subjectively have made a big and lasting impression on me.


AgentFlatweed t1_j25d4gs wrote

Nonexistent. I hate quantifying for the most part. Everything I like exists in a cloud of opinions and shifting moods.


freshgrilled t1_j25d5fy wrote

Mine is a little like this, but switched around. It's the Drink until it's good" system where I rate it by the number of beers it took to enjoy the movie. In my system, a 10 is roughly equivalent to "Drink until you pass out" which is the worst rating a movie can get.


SpaghettiLove2 t1_j25d9i8 wrote

This is stupid AF, unless you're a paid movie critic, there is zero reason to use a pretentious rating system


Lone_Buck t1_j25dbbc wrote

I’m not super critical. It’s barely more than pass/fail. It’s basically like great, good and rewatchable, good and once is enough, bad but fun (Hudson Hawk), bad and I regret watching.


twihard97 t1_j25dcml wrote

I rate movies on two dimensions, Memorable to Forgettable and Superb to Lousy.

Memorably Superb: Things are well made and it's themes/characters stick with me long after the viewing experience.

Forgettably Superb: I was probably entertained while watching it but I had no impact on me afterward.

Memorably Lousy: These include "guilty pleasure" movies but also movies that stick with you with how bad they are.

Forgettably Lousy: No impact, no entertainment in the moment. Worst of the worst.


lubezki t1_j25dkxm wrote

This is basically my system. Watched hundreds of movies and so far only one got 10/10. Talking about Parasite. Not just a masterpiece but super creative and engaging from begining till the end. Even on multiple rewatches.


cookiemagnate t1_j25doza wrote

It's fun! I've gotten some surprising results breaking down movies like this.

I'll also use this to rank movies within their Genre, mainly to give B-movies more recognition.

Like Velocipastor overall is a 3/7 with a major boost in genre and intent. But looking solely at it through a genre lens, Velocipastor is a 5.4/7


girafa t1_j25dutr wrote

Yeah it's such a weird thing to call a piece of art "perfect." There's always something to improve. But also it would feel silly to make 9 the new 10, because perfection has to exist and should be the goal


WayneConrad t1_j25dyus wrote

  • five stars: I'm watching this again. Right now.
  • four stars: I'll watch this again gladly.
  • three stars: It was worth watching.
  • two stars: I made it through it, but I'm kind of sorry I did.
  • one star: I didn't even make it all the way through the movie.

edit: Fixed numbers


JimothyBeesly t1_j25fi36 wrote

I think there’s a difference between liking a movie, enjoying a movie and thinking it is good.

The Room = Like - Enjoy - Not Good

Hot Fuzz = Like - Enjoy - Good

Okja = Like - Didn’t Enjoy - Good

Justice League = Didn’t Like - Enjoyed - Not Good

Suicide Squad (2016) = Didn’t Like - Didn’t Enjoy - Not Good

I use the 1 to 10 scale in general and for conversation, but when I get into further details I bring up the three different levels of a movie too.


Lowfat_cheese t1_j25gkxe wrote

5: it made me feel a lot of strong emotions

4: it made me feel some strong emotions

3: it made me feel some emotions

2: I barely felt anything

1: I had no emotional reaction whatsoever

TBH whether something is “good” or “bad” is pseudo-intellectual horseshit. Did it make you feel something? Was that something what it was trying to make you feel?


JohnnyJayce t1_j25gn4z wrote

I've adopted the rating system of MAL.

10 - Masterpiece, a movie I have nothing negative to say about

9 - Great, a movie I have one little negative thing to say about

8 - Very Good, a movie I love, but it has a fault or two

7 - Good, a movie I like and would watch again

6 - Fine, a movie I won't watch again, but I didn't dislike the time I had with it

5 - Average, a movie I mostly disliked, but the movie still had moments I liked

4 - Bad, everything below are just movies I disliked in various degrees

3 - Very Bad

2 - Horrible

1 - Appalling

I don't think I've seen any movie I disliked enough to give a score between 1 and 3. Usually I don't watch movies that I would give a score like that or I just don't finish the movie.


tommy0guns t1_j25gsfc wrote

A 5 should never be given since you can’t rate higher should you find something better. A 1 should rarely be given since people took the time and money to put something together. You should be able to find some value (lighting, dialog, camerawork, end purpose, etc). If you find yourself watching an actual 1…question what got you in this situation and your choices.


Ladybeetus t1_j25hu4r wrote

I made the system in the '90s, streaming wasn't a thing. Rental (on streaming) still works, and cable basically equates to "showed up in your recommendations" for a service you already have.


NakedGoose t1_j25hujm wrote

10 - perfect (rarely used) 9 - top tier movie

8 - really enjoyed it

7- it was good

6- fine

5 and below - bad/not worth my time.


Studio_Ambitious t1_j25it6p wrote

  1. Will watch again 4. Will recommend 3. A pleasant enough way to spend an hour or so. 2. I know 1. I can't look away.

Ogre213 t1_j25j56z wrote

I have two axes, dividing into 4 quadrants. Both axes are labeled 'Good/Bad'.

One axis is what the film's trying to be. The other one is what it actually is.

For instance, Army of Darkness is, to me, the epitome of the Good Bad movie. It's definitely not trying to be high art, but given the opportunity, I'll watch it. Starship Troopers is another great example (although Verhoeven was arguably going for Good Good).

Apollo 13 is a Good Good movie. It's riveting, well acted, and well worth seeing.

Battelfield Earth is a Bad Bad movie. Based off of a horrible pulp Sci Fi series by a cult leader, and somehow made it worse.

Ishtar's the classic Bad Good movie. Tried to be a big, sprawling comedy with an all-star cast, ended up roughly equivalent to a dumpster fire.


Maybe_Not_The_Pope t1_j25jdzc wrote

Yeah like if you're making the scale from 1 to 10, then 5 should be average. When I tell people I really enjoyed a movie and then say that it's like 7 or 7.5 they act confused. Like, 7.5 is half way to perfect.


Weirdguy149 t1_j25jsmv wrote

I tend to go with the general tier set-up.

  • S: Best of the best.
  • A: Great.
  • B: Alright.
  • C: Neutral.
  • D: Bad.
  • F: Terrible.

SereneDreams03 t1_j25kicv wrote

10-A masterpiece. One of the greatest films I've ever seen





5-not bad, but not good either (mostly forgettable)

4-not very good, definitely would not recommend

3-bad, just bad

2-terrible in almost every way

1-one of the worst movies I've ever seen. A complete waste of my time.


eagleblue44 t1_j25kpsl wrote

As an avid letterboxd user, 5 stars.

5 - excellent. No issues. 4-4.5 - great and has minor issues that can generally be over looked. 3-3.5 - average. Not much that really stands out to me as amazing. 1-2.5 - bad. Some aspects may be good but the bad outweighs them. The closer to one, the worse it is. 0.5 - awful. Nothing redeeming about it.


Intelligent-Age2786 t1_j26g1ul wrote

I think in a way it’s even in the end cuz each side get something the other doesn’t. Superhero/franchise blockbuster movies get all the money and financial success, and all the others get the awards and the critical appraisals. It’s unfair on both sides and they all have a right to complain


njdevils901 t1_j26psp1 wrote

I don't mean to be a dick this is because most of these movies are storyboarded before the film is made or there even is a director. "Creative differences" is a nice way of saying the director had to much of a vision. And these scripts follow a very particular formula with a big battle at the end, and are required to include checknotes of future teasers of future films, there isn't a lot of artistic integrity in that.

I used to be obsessed with MCU films in 2019, then in 2020 i slowly switched over to mid-budget/indie American films. 2021 I slowly got more integrated with indie and foreign films (hidden gems). And now this year I have found so many great hidden gems in the indie, mid budget hollywood, and foreign film landscape. There are so many great movies out there, and superheros movies are barely touching the surface of what is accomplished through the power of cinema


Gizzard_Guy44 t1_j294ejz wrote

If there are 10 possible scores, it's a 10 point scale

nope that would be a 5 point scale using halves as well

you would have to count the halves as a full point to be a 10 point scale

.5 is half a point not a full one