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VisforVenom t1_j27kc1l wrote

It is. I occasionally write for very low level Hollywood stuff on the side. I work with partners. None of whom are white. None of whom fit into other racial stereotypes either. But the one line none of my partners will budge on is Mel. Idk why. My primary partner is a huge supporter of Clint Eastwood... despite everything I try to show him about Eastwood vs the everything about Gibson. He's one of my best friends so we've pushed the topic further than I'd be comfortable with others... no traction at all.

I don't condone what Mel did. But I don't think he doesn't regret it. I also don't think it was in his true character. I also think his art surpasses his mental illness. And I find genuine compassion and remorse in his response to these things that I don't find in other great artists who have exhibited similar behavior. But for some reason that's beyond me he is an uncrossable line.


SeekingTheRoad t1_j28jj5u wrote

What’s wrong with Clint Eastwood? The guy is a legend.


unreliablememory t1_j28kckx wrote

He BELIEVES he's a legend. That's an enormous part of the problem. I love some of his movies, but he's a one-note actor who caught lightning in a bottle a couple of times as a director. He's not the pathfinding genius he seems to think he is.


SeekingTheRoad t1_j28m3ft wrote

Wow. Could not disagree more. The man has made some many good and wildly varied movies (and a few stinkers, sure), and he has a ton of charisma.

And watching behind the scenes interviews and footage of him it’s clear he makes movies because he loves stories and storytelling. He’s trying to tell standard tales; at no time have I seen anything indicating he thinks he’s a pathfinder or revolutionary.