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Veszerin t1_j11ke16 wrote

>Is it possible to save Star Wars or is the franchise completely dead?

I bet $100 someone has said this every time something new comes out in Star Wars since the 90s.

Stop claiming your opinion as "universally agreed" fact.


[deleted] OP t1_j11kviv wrote



Veszerin t1_j11lam6 wrote

Perhaps you're the contrarian, seeing as how you're the one who thinks, ZoMg StAr WaRs Is RuInEd FoReVeR BeCaUsE hUrR dUrR sEqUeLs BaD.

I remember people like you when the prequels came out. But it sounds like you're too young for that so for you it was the sequels.


A_Hideous_Beast t1_j11mk1c wrote

Wouldn't doubt it. But then again, SW fans have terrible memory.


[deleted] OP t1_j11luwa wrote



popoflabbins t1_j11m3x2 wrote

You may not be old enough to remember it but they absolutely were


Breezezilla_is_here t1_j11nfy9 wrote

You may not be old enough to remember but the prequels were liked when they came out, it was later after Sith when people had time to think (and the internet happened) that they became hated.


MrDaveyHavoc t1_j11nuhp wrote

>(and the internet happened)

The Internet happened after RotS?!


popoflabbins t1_j11ov4i wrote

There were still plenty of online forums back then, and their reception wasn’t good, especially from the older crowd. They were far from loved to the extent they are now. Their reception was mixed critically and from adult audiences. It takes a 5-second google to see their reception was far from glowing.

The difference now is simply that we see more of the general populace’s opinions due to the digital age we live in. I get there’s a lot of nostalgia with people aged 21-30 for the prequels but at the time of their release they were not even close to being widely adored. Hell, I’d even argue they weren’t met with general favor at all until Disney started putting out their films.


Breezezilla_is_here t1_j11qkmg wrote

"Mixed critically" would be the way to put it, overall reception was still more positive than not. It was "The People vs George Lucas" that started the "They Suck" trend. And I wouldn't say they are loved now either, your last sentence is spot on, they were just used to slam the Disney movies.


popoflabbins t1_j126682 wrote

I don’t know, it was pretty bad at points. The toxic negative reaction quite literally ended Ahmed Best and Jake Lloyd’s careers. Even McGregor has also said that he felt the reactions during their releases were mixed. Like, maybe there was a more negative swing in the early 2010’s but the statement that the initial reactions to the prequels were largely favorable doesn’t have a lot of ground to stand on. Star Wars fandom has never really been super positive though, there always seems to be a lot of backlash and toxicity. The prequels were no exception.

From what I can remember (and it’s been a minute haha) I’d actually say the overall fan reaction to the prequels and sequels was pretty similar up until the points both series wrapped up. Prequels had the benefit of ending on their best movie which made the general consensus much more positive, but it wasn’t until Disney started to release their films that I started to see the common opinion being that the prequels were good.

I’m just saying it how I remember it, and how I remember it is much different than what OP was claiming.


Veszerin t1_j11m90t wrote

>Lmao. The Prequels were never as hated as the Sequels are.

Lol, oh my sweet summer child...they were hated so much more.


Pls_no_steal t1_j11ml90 wrote

I was there, the PT was hated by EVERYONE, up until prequel memes became a thing they were seen as a joke by pretty much everyone in the community and the general public. People now in the general public are at best neutral or meh on the ST, but you couldn’t go far in the 2000s without seeing people shitting on the PT on TV or online or even in person.


PlatinumSarge t1_j11mi10 wrote

Only because social media wasn't as prevalent when the prequels came out.


EshayAdlay420 t1_j11nb58 wrote

Lol the prequel love of the last decade only came into existence ironically through making fun of how bad they were.


MrDaveyHavoc t1_j11n7m0 wrote

> universally agrees.

What metric are you using to make this determination?