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andrewta t1_j29st6j wrote

The worst not sure

Big ones are:

Apollo 13

Imitation game

Sully (how the faa and ntsb were portrayed)


hioo1 t1_j29uhl5 wrote

Curious, I always thought apollo 13 was relatively accurate, what was in accurate about it?


Lt_Rooney t1_j29xqje wrote

It's fairly accurate except that many of the fixes they came up with in the movie were actually developed much earlier in the program, and not after the accident. It's not quite as dramatic to just read the solutions out of a handbook.


andrewta t1_j2a8sy0 wrote

Was going to respond with basically what you just wrote. Thank you


vince_irella t1_j29xkdm wrote

The only thing I remember Jim Lovell saying was that nobody doubted Jack Swaggert‘s abilities as a last-minute replacement IRL but Lovell didn’t seem to think the little bit of extra drama was a big deal.


JanncorLennox t1_j29xprd wrote

The crew's dynamic in the disaster was slightly exaggerated for dramatic effect. In the movie there's a strange tension between Bill Paxton and Kevin Bacon which culminates into a shouting match trying with them at each other's throats. In real life they were completely calm and cool as cucumbers focusing on the task in hand and troubleshooting their dilemma.

Other than that small element, I actually admired the historical accuracy of this movie. The command module and lunar module were exact replicas of the real thing down to the actual switches and knobs and they accurately corresponded to the real "button presses" in several scenes when they are stirring their O2 tanks and resetting electrical transfer busses.


RevengeWalrus t1_j29v39p wrote

The conflict of Sully was almost entirely fabricated by Eastwood to grind his very specific axe.


Bushgjl t1_j29vx2q wrote

What axe did he have to grind?


RevengeWalrus t1_j29wmh0 wrote

Heroes being persecuted by government bureaucrats. He got to do a much less bullshit version of it with Richard Jewel, though there was some pretty gross embellishment. There was an investigation of Sully after the flight, but it was completely routine and by all accounts completely amicable.


vince_irella t1_j29x65g wrote

It was some bullshit about how “government scientist flight simulations” said that Sully could have landed the plane safely and he had to defend himself in front of the FAA or something. It was nonsense.

EDIT: Just realized my comment is poorly-worded. Sully did of course land the plane safely; the shitty plot conflict that Eastwood shoehorned in was that the “government scientists” contended Sully could have landed safely at a nearby airport, meaning on a runway.