Submitted by SuitableWestern3066 t3_zvuxlb in movies

Just watched the new hellraiser, it was boring as fuck until the end. why can't they just make a good version of it. the original one was amazing and two wasn't bad. It just needs like a modern remake that is amazing, needs a director that understands the originals draw.

Locations were just boring There was no new take on hell's labrynth CGI was poor, Senobytes Prosthetics were poor and looked plastic. New characters were bland.

I would even go for pinhead Vs Freddy crugar or something. Does anyone actually read my stuff or agree?



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YoFrodo t1_j1rctwa wrote

I just watched almost all of the Hellraiser movies (3-8 since theyre on HBO right now) and I watched the Hulu one before then. They ALL suck. They are all silly by todays standards and some of them (Hellworld) had very little to do with actual Cenobites/Pinhead at all.

The newest one was the most interesting and gruesome.


Azmodae t1_j1rd4dj wrote

Yeah. Clearly OP hasn't seen the last few hellraisers. They were HORRENDOUSLY bad


venniedjr t1_j1vflle wrote

It’s crazy how many of them are detective procedurals


Murderface881 t1_j1voizj wrote

If I'm not mistaken, Hellworld and the one after were both existing scripts that were later adapted into Hellraiser movies. None of them were built to tell a Hellraiser story, they just kinda shoehorned it together.


venniedjr t1_j1wk6o2 wrote

Yeah I went down a Hellraiser rabbit hole when I watched the whole series. I forget which ones were shoehorned in. But I actually enjoyed Deader and Hellworld the most. I think they’re all pretty terrible, even the first one. I was hoping the reboot would be able to make a great one but I do think it’s one of the best of the franchise though


StudBoi69 t1_j1rcjkt wrote

I liked the new Pinhead and she did well enough to stand on her own, I just didn't care for the rest of the characters.


Murderface881 t1_j1voau1 wrote

You mean the new Cenobites or the actual humans?


StudBoi69 t1_j1voglg wrote

The humans


Murderface881 t1_j1vqy32 wrote

Gotta agree, very much the weak point of the story.

Very much enjoyed the new costumes though. Great idea to just change all the leather on the originals to dried skin. Moved the style on from the S&M look of the 80s to something different. Was particularly impressed by those bisected arms on The Weeper.


farbekrieg t1_j1s3h34 wrote

It was the best hellraiser in years and overall i enjoyed it but felt more time needed to focused on the script and character dialog/motivations with a stricter focus on a real world that slowly teases a possible killer from hell and only in the final act does the supernatural get confirmed the movie blew its wad early and limped to a tepid end.


FeydSeswatha982 t1_j1r93xh wrote

Agree on the Cenobites looking way too plastic. Almost like freshly unpackaged toys..


Rhesusmonkeydave t1_j1rb0j7 wrote

It definitely wasn’t the worst of the series but it wasn’t horrifying or suspenseful at all. The sequence in the van was at least an interesting idea, but it mostly fell pretty flat


AndruchaCS t1_j1r9w5g wrote

i think is not that bad compared with....maybe...4 or 5 movies on that same franchise.


Grunt_42 t1_j1rglvb wrote

The characters are easily forgettable. I'd say, majority of people were rooting for the cenobites to kill the annoying main character.

Also, the cenobites running after the character like a slasher film was the lamest thing about the cenobites.


SuitableWestern3066 OP t1_j1rgy3o wrote

Yea, that bugged me too when the cenobytes ran, the scene where they couldn't get through the gate I half expected a new doorway to open up or chains to fly from the walls but nothing.


Grunt_42 t1_j1ribyc wrote

Yea, for how powerful the cenobites are, seeing them running and flailing their arms and screeching after the characters had me realize they aren't so powerful.

The thing that annoyed me and made me give thumbs down is the rewriting of the lore. The new lore implies, I can solve the box and have it slash and collect the blood of kids or babies and they would get taken. So long as I don't get cut by the box while solving it.

Haha I can use it, solve the box, have it cut my enemies, and then at the end, on the last solve, I'll ask for no wish or prize. I'll "live with the guilt/burden" and thats my "lament" crap. Haha lame.


Fieos t1_j1snr16 wrote

It was pretty uninspired. It only compares well against more recent Hellraiser films because they were low effort films probably focused on just retaining the legal rights to the intellectual property.

I wasn't a fan of the new Pinhead and Goran Visnjic was the best part of the film and he wasn't given much to work with.


[deleted] t1_j1rb5ym wrote

I thought it was OK, not anywhere near as good as the original. Some critics really dug it, which I absolutely do not get at all. The Hulu Books of Blood movie was worse, though.


LaserTurboShark69 t1_j1rk10v wrote

Characters were bad but the whole Hell aspect was done well. Loved the body horror and the ritual sacrifice stuff.

Haven't seen any of the other movies.


renoryan775 t1_j1syjuw wrote

1 and 2 were amazing to me. This new one made me happy but maybe it’s because the others in between set the bar so incredibly low. I thought the end was really satisfying and I’m looking forward to the next one if they continue


maskdfantom t1_j1vjkwr wrote

My neighbor wrote this movie! Not sure if I should link him to this post 😬


Codenamefrank27 t1_j1w3kp7 wrote

I agree the cast was shit, felt like a teen horror movie. The new rules of the lament seemed a but daft as well. The new hellraiser did seem To pull off her own kinda persona. But there was no real good use for the cenobites. Was going to pay to rewatch and many times changed my mind again. The end was kinda good that you kinda see how he is created as a cenobite.


SuitableWestern3066 OP t1_j1rad1a wrote

It was watchable and I agree that some in the franchise were worse. the one that came out about two years ago was good, that had a darkness to it but this just lacked something that I thought it may have as it seemed to be hyped. I can't see anyone rushing to throw money at creating a sequel
