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carbirator t1_j2duhvd wrote

Same experience, but with the first movie. Was surprised considering all the glowing reviews. Skipped the second one entirely.


Jyith t1_j2dwb39 wrote

Both movies check a ton of boxes for certain political ideologues. And considering that the movie industry and their lackeys in the journalism industry are trying to improve their PR after all the controversy about sexual abuse and pedofilia in their ranks, of course they are going to give their own movies glowing reviews.

It's a case of "Nothing to see here... OH LOOK! OUR NEW MOVIE HAS ALL THE FEMINISM! IT HAS ALL THE MULTICULTURALISM! IT IS LGBTQ+ FRIENDLY! Don't look at our wrongdoings, pay for and watch our movies, which we've specifically made to cater to your sensibilities even though in real life we couldn't care less!"


mccannr1 t1_j2dwlkd wrote

You seem fun.


Jyith t1_j2dx2pg wrote

Yea, because fun is the thing that's important in life. Who cares if people are horrible and do shitty things as long as you're having fun. Right?


mccannr1 t1_j2dx5mm wrote

Do you have a newsletter we can all subscribe to?