Submitted by Screenwriter6788 t3_zyr4h9 in movies

Did any of you, for even a second, think that Dani wasn’t the savior and was just the mother? I mean really? A movie in 2019, and the entire plot has to stop dead some they can spell out what everyone guessed from the trailer? Like I’m just in shock that Cameron made that choice. Either to inflate his self important ego or cause he though the audience was that stupid.



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shit_post_thenyoudie t1_j27g6th wrote

Is that the one where the terminator terminates the terminator or the one where the humans terminate the terminator. Is it the one with the future past terminators or the past future terminators. Or is it the one with the terminator that doesn't know its a terminator. What one has doctor who in it. I don't like that one.


SaulsAll t1_j27gian wrote

I took that to be showing us more Sarah Connor's story and realization. I completely agree no one in the audience was supposed to be "fooled", but Sarah herself could only see the parallel to her first encounter and thus needed the change in understanding.


Negate0 t1_j287o2l wrote

They should have made the Sarah Conner, part John Connor. Make him a crazed old hermit still waiting for Judgement Day that he's forever stopped. Now he's got to train Dani to be the savior that he never needed to be. Then you can get into how he spent his last 30 years not living, just prepping for a nightmare that won't happen.


EsotericAbstractIdea t1_j2ejr50 wrote

Good idea for the next terminator alternate universe!


Negate0 t1_j2el1h2 wrote

Please no, that horse is dead. Leave it alone. Make something new.


LVenemy t1_j28a3fc wrote

i liked it personally . wasn't amazing but i enjoyed it enough


Archamasse t1_j28dxhn wrote

I enjoyed the shit out of it, warts and all.


DrRexMorman t1_j27i9ma wrote

>Like I’m just in shock that Cameron made that choice

He might not have.

Story by: James Cameron, Charles Eglee, Josh Friedman, David Goyer, and Justin Rhode.

Screenplay by: David Goyer, Justin Rhodes, and Billy Ray.

7 people who're collectively responsible for some of the worst sci fi of this decades.


New_Poet_338 t1_j29juyi wrote

I think he was surprised by the choices made after he handed in the story based on an interview I saw. He did not think having Arnold's terminator and Sarah Conner both in the movie would work.


Archamasse t1_j2a0zqi wrote

Miller didn't want Arnie as well as Sarah, Cameron did. He's second guessed himself since, that's all.


Flakfizer80 t1_j2aeipo wrote

I doubt Cameron had much input at all. His story credit is for the overall Terminator mythos and producer credits are given out like candy in Hollywood to lend a movie cred and/or prevent lawsuits. James Cameron was far too busy filming Avatar sequels to care much about this shite.


Archamasse t1_j2agsl3 wrote

Cameron was emailing rewrites straight to set throughout the shoot, in lieu of his usual practice of handing cast members his rewrites before yelling action himself.

Miller has also described having to film at least one scene he didn't want at all, along with a bunch of comedy stuff Cameron insisted on (though most of that got cut later). The crashing plane, the stuff about Dani being Grace’s foster mom, and Arnie's involvement were all Cameron, and Miller's preferred version of the Future War was vetoed by Cameron.

That's why the movie has a slightly schizophrenic feel. Miller had more control over the first half than the second one.


Archamasse t1_j28dwnr wrote

I very strongly feel like Miller shot the movie as if that was a given. I don't think it was meant to be a reveal as far as he was concerned.

I think Cameron or the studio came along afterwards and tried to retcon it into a twist largely by the editing.

I think the reason they had to do something like that was because they cut (and reshot) chunks of the movie, I suspect to try to prevent anyone reading Grace and Dani as a romance. All that stuff about Dani raising Grace comes from voiceover, and the cheap looking scene of Dani finding her as a kid is a reshoot pasted over a far better scene that links into Grace’s death scene later.

(For the record I really like it anyway.)


TrueLegateDamar t1_j27xnz9 wrote

Likewise loved how Legion is just Skynet with darker drip, couldn't be bothered to do more with this 'new' evil AI faction.


SoFool t1_j28ve6h wrote

At first, I quite like the film and technically speaking, it was done quite well. However, looking back I just dislike how it made Terminator 2 unimportant and redundant. Trying to keep John alive then kill him right at the start is like an FU.


dittybopper_05H t1_j29ol6c wrote

Doesn't really matter. The Terminator films are all about time travel, they don't have to be consistent. There are in essence an infinite number of time-lines to explore.

Apparently, we were given one where ladies in their 60's can be tossed around like ragdolls and not break a hip or anything.


unicornlocostacos t1_j2av7kv wrote

The “being thrown around and not getting hurt” trope is so awful. I even hate it in super hero movies when one of the heroes gets fucking slammed into the ground from space, gets up, and is fine.

But wait…your power is just invisibility. How the fuck you survive that?


SweetCosmicPope t1_j2a3t4x wrote

Basically anything that came after 2 pretty much spits in the face what came before.

The whole thing at the end of 2 was that they closed the loop and tied up loose ends and that "there is no fate except that which you make for yourself."

Once 3 came along and set the expectation that the rise of skynet was inevitable, the rest of the sequels have just run with that. Dark Fate took it even further by killing off John in the beginning of the movie.

I'll watch the movies for some good action. But as far as I'm concerned, nothing after T2 is canon.


S3anyboy t1_j2cdc2d wrote

The whole point of T2 was that the future was not set, so John being the savior doesn't actually matter, indeed Sarah spends a large portion of T2 trying to make sure he doesn't become the savior by preemptively destroying Skynet. Dark Fate reinforced the core message of Cameron's Terminator films (1+2) which is the "no fate" line (which was originally intended to appear in the first film as well).


Theonceandfutureend t1_j29j4bj wrote

Every Terminator trailer ever made has given away the reveal of the film - they fuck it up every time.


Flakfizer80 t1_j2advgt wrote

Hollup… Do you think James Cameron directed Dark Fate?? He was a producer, by title only I’m guessing. I doubt he provided much input in between his Avatar work.


Archamasse t1_j2aelj0 wrote

He was very heavily involved with script, editing and some of the action sequences, much to Tim Miller's chagrin, because he kept overriding his calls.


psalerno t1_j2aeepe wrote

Like others have said, it was Sarah Conner that was so cynical, not the audience. I don't think it was intended to be a mind blowing twist


Cashmoney-carson t1_j2anvnu wrote

My issues with this movie are many but none of them really involve Dani outside of the character not being all that special and the actress was meh. I liked a lot about dark fate but man does it make some questionable decisions


UntidyBargain t1_j2bo4lt wrote

I don’t imagine a writer or a director making a movie that’s part of a big franchise is going to successfully misdirect the audience. As in second guess the plot or characters in a world where people are making videos dissecting every moment in a trailer and trying to “predict” every plot point instead of just watching a movie.

Your normal or even just curious moviegoers are going to be charmed at the tease of a misdirection but the cynical moviegoers are going feel rush of superiority in not being “fooled”.


kingsman2023 t1_j2agw2l wrote

For saying it was supposed to be a direct sequel to T2 thought it was shit boring as fuck great terminator but rubbish storyline


Distant_Pilgrim t1_j27v1sx wrote

Your question proceeds from a false assumption, as there is no one who actually likes Dark Fate.


ashu54 t1_j28i8cy wrote

I like it. Its the best T3 out of Genisys, T3 and Dark Fate.