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Voidblazer t1_j1skmtj wrote

James McAvoy is spectacular in this one. It's pretty great.


xxxThotslayer_69xxx OP t1_j1skq75 wrote

I did like his acting but the writing on the other hand is my biggest complaint about the entire movie honestly


Voidblazer t1_j1slnhv wrote

I don't know. If I remember, it had a nice arc about damaged people having a powerful ability to fight against "the beast" that sort of resonated with me. I remember a feeling of empowerment after watching it. Like "all your pain matters". I thought it was beautiful.


xxxThotslayer_69xxx OP t1_j1smhfh wrote

That didn't really look like it to me since the beast was more so portrayed as this unstoppable force to me who just spared the protagonist since she was also a victim of trauma and he believed people who endured trauma to be better (the beast also literally took two shot gun shots to the chest from approximately 2-3m or so and just sorta ended up with minor injuries afterwards)


Voidblazer t1_j1sndsy wrote

That's sort of what I mean, though. There's this unstoppable force, and the thing that protects you from it is the pain you've suffered and overcome...this thing that made you an immovable object. I get where you're coming from. It just hit me completely different. I felt like "yes, all the pain that you suffered mattered, and led up to this moment of triumph." That's what I walked away with, anyways.


xxxThotslayer_69xxx OP t1_j1snjwv wrote

To me it more so felt like she was spared rather than triumph over it but I do kind of understand where you're coming from


Voidblazer t1_j1soyj2 wrote

This one has a sweet spot in my heart. It was my favorite of his series. It had such a unique approach to giving the protagonist the "supernatural power". Sure, "triumph" in this one is "survive when every other person who encountered big bad dies horribly." I get ya.


GrimReaperAngelof23 t1_j1ts61i wrote

Its because you didn't watch the first movie. Split is the second movie. The order is: Unbreakable, Split, Glass. Watch them in order and then maybe you will enjoy it


jghaines t1_j1sls79 wrote

Trained actors find the role a bit cringey as he is doing an improv training exercise


ejsandstrom t1_j1sk2lc wrote

To me the reason I enjoyed it was because it was different. It wasn’t the same super hero or formulaic rom com.


ToyVaren t1_j1skrnn wrote

Yeah, it was pretty unique for a rom com. :D


FuzzySire t1_j1sozqo wrote

I liked it very much. I think James McAvoy was amazing. The writing could have been a bit more in-depth, but I was quite entertained. Sometimes I think people set their expectations a bit too high for some movies.


True-Expression3378 t1_j1sn3ee wrote

It's part of a trilogy with Unbreakable(2000) and Glass(2019).


TwoSixtySev3n t1_j1snyjr wrote

Yes, this should be stressed, you need to watch them in order, there’s an arc.


peaceblaster68 t1_j1ta4b9 wrote

Split still works as a standalone film though


AaronWYL t1_j1tc4yu wrote

Works better as a standalone film. The twist ending just left me groaning.


Theglizzatron t1_j1slk65 wrote

Pretty alright, better than a majority of m nights recent stuff


leeswervino t1_j1sk5s5 wrote

Never have one of my peers come to me giddy with enthusiasm over the film “Split” - not once.


koolaideprived t1_j1svslj wrote

It's not a story about DID, but a super-version version where it changes him physically too. Glass, the third movie, explains it more.


Jabrojo t1_j1sm8dd wrote

It has a pretty great twist at the end. I liked it.


ToyVaren t1_j1skvmt wrote

I think you were a victim of high expectations. I enjoyed catwoman, the batman and matrix 4 because i was expecting crap.


InsidiousColossus t1_j1tjf2a wrote

So you are classifying the Halle Berry Catwoman, and Matrix 4, in the same general group as the Matt Reeves Batman? I'm amazed Reddit has not downvoted you into oblivion.


xxxThotslayer_69xxx OP t1_j1slzwu wrote

To be fair, I didn't have any good expectations going into the movie because an old friend of mine who I used to game with told me that the movie is laughably bad due to how it represented DID (he himself has the disorder). I will however acknowledge that James McAvoy did do a good job with his acting. I guess my biggest issue is the writing


BadComboMongo t1_j1teggh wrote

It was not meant to represent DID in a scientific way, you need to put it in context of the trilogy. If you watch it as a stand-alone it still somehow works but it wasn’t meant to and definitely never meant to be a scientifically correct movie.


sdf75 t1_j1snc61 wrote



Repulsive-Feature-33 t1_j1sydbe wrote

Do people talk this movie up? That’s news to me, I’ve always heard of it being an ok movie and thought the same thing when I watched it, it’s very ok.


Pokenightking t1_j1syjgq wrote

As others have said you need to watch all 3 to appreciate it. As a movie it’s a 7 maybe 8 of ten. But when I watched it in theaters I was like oh cool movie. Then the credits scene happened that connected it to Unbreakable and I freaked out. Totally improved the movie for me knowing where it came from and the possibilities after.


burlesquel t1_j1skqm3 wrote

It was a pretty average movie for me. The scenario is good but they kind of wasted it. The shifts between characters could have been smoother. People who think talented acting is about displaying extreme emotions also praise this movie but I dont think its the case.


Budzee t1_j1snevr wrote

Watch this, and skip the sequel(s) 😉


Drobertson5539 t1_j1twfrw wrote

  1. Unbreakable isn't a sequel.

  2. Unbreakable and Glass are both pretty good, Unbreakable is very good


Budzee t1_j1vumh4 wrote

  1. You are correct. UNBREAKABLE is a prequel, not a sequel. Also, good job spoiling the ending. 🤨

  2. They implied a 2nd Split sequel will happen (given BW’s retirement, its now unlikely). I have no faith it’ll be good based on my views on Glass.: Way too long and convoluted storyline. SLJ’s character was too hammy to be taken seriously. Bruce Willis’ character is super one-dimensional and shallow compared to UNBREAKABLE. McAvoy’s character was too over the top, and was more comedic than scary, completely undermining the last movie. Ending was anticlimactic and had a cringey epilogue.

  3. I agree that UNBREAKABLE is fantastic, and should have never been brought into this universe in the first place.


SimplyKat81 t1_j1so0dv wrote

never seen it but got spoiled with the looked good & i did want to see it, but then i knew the turned me off


krammit33 t1_j1syuzj wrote

The best part was watching it in the theaters and the reveal that is was actually an origination story and a sequel (prequel?) To Unbreakable, great twist, very unexpected as it was never billed as such


blankdreamer t1_j1szuxw wrote

I loved it. It was a tour de force by Mcavoy. I was captivated by his performance (excuse the pun). Great tension, some fascinating concepts and I liled that they didn’t make the girls weaklings. I didn’t like the ending as it killed the grounded tension for me - is this all just madness or is there something more?


Joebloeone t1_j1t05or wrote

Actor's performance is flawless in the movie. But, maybe it's because I was expecting more supsense/horror, I was disapointed by it.

The back and forth between the kidnapped girls and the psy break the rythm (therefore it breaks the suspense feeling). Also the theory about multiple personnality being an "evolving" state felt ridiculous to me.


00collector t1_j1t3jim wrote

I didn’t think much of it. I think it got overhyped and my expectations were too high. But it’s not a bad movie.


Obiwoncanblowme t1_j1t5f2r wrote

I think a lot of it stems from James McAvoy performance


prettybrokenstars t1_j1t8gxg wrote

people with DID have stated its awful rep so as long as you're aware its not accurate i say go for it


pinkseamonkeyballs t1_j1tf4hs wrote

Yes but as a mental health nurse the portrayal of DID aka- multiple personality disorder is really jacked up. There can be violent or mean alters but most people with it are really gentle and loving.

Mcavoy rocked it though.


petit_esp t1_j1tgwdz wrote

The first time I watched Split I was confused by the hype it but had better appreciation for it the second time. Out of the trilogy it is definitely the best but overall I'd still give it a 7.5 out of 10. I agree that the writing could have been better and James McAvoy carries the entire movie. Any time he wasn't in a scene I stopped caring. Although the depiction of DID was clearly exaggerated, no one cares because his performance was so good. They could have just made the entire cast James McAvoy and it would have been perfect.

As with most horror/thrillers, you have to lower expectations for a realistic plot and just try to enjoy the ride.


pzzaco t1_j1tttby wrote

Well you sound like a viewer who judges a movie based on how closely it adheres to real life logic and facts, and no judgement here since those are your personal standards, but there are some of us who dont really care about that stuff since we know that movies arent real life.

Suspension of disbelief is a thing because fiction is under no obligation to be realistic or factual. I dont watch a movie like Split to educate myself on mental health disorders, I watch it for the horror and suspense and that dictates the metric I use to judge the movie. I judge it based on how much it keeps me on the edge of my seat worried about whether the teenage girls will survive and in that case I would say the movie was quite good.

Point is, yes the movie is wildly inaccurate with its portrayal of DID, but I doubt any wise individual seeking information on the disorder would refer to a horror suspense film as a primary source and if a lot of people do so then that feels like a failing in media literacy


UKnowDaTruth t1_j1tux99 wrote

Oh I love Split

Really solid thriller

James mcavoy and Anya both killed


OfferOk8555 t1_j1tz7gh wrote

I think it has a reputation in general of just being kind of fine bolstered by an eclectic performance by McAvoy. I’m sure for some it’s a personal favorite but it’s not like universally beloved


mantingdem t1_j1skpbo wrote

>that is formed through trauma

Often but not always


xxxThotslayer_69xxx OP t1_j1sljxw wrote

It is a disorder that is formed during childhood as a trauma response according to all of the research material I was presented with in high school, alters however aren't always formed through trauma but that is when the original trauma that caused DID in the first place already occurred


mantingdem t1_j1smr6z wrote

>in high school

Presumably that was at least a few years ago because like I said, it's not only formed through trauma and you can find abundant evidence to support this in a matter of minutes if you so wish.

I know that this isn't the subject of your post but it's always important to stop misinformation


xxxThotslayer_69xxx OP t1_j1sn6ny wrote

Could you please link a source that says that shows a case where DID is present without trauma occuring during childhood? I have been trying to find cases where it was and have also seen some content creators who have DID themselves who said that you need to have trauma to have DID. I apologize if I came off as arrogant but I simply have not been able to find evidence that shows that people can have DID without trauma


SerDire t1_j1sm4it wrote

My dumbass read it as “Splice” and was about to tell you to go into it as unaware as possible because Splice is an ABSOLUTE mindfuck


pweez t1_j1ssswh wrote

Watch it and if you enjoy then who cares?