Submitted by Ronaldspeirs t3_ztd7gv in movies

Hey Everyone.

So I, like many others, love stories of actors improvising lines and scenes. When I find out a movie line or scene was improvised. It really adds to the overall scene.

From the famous "Like Tears in Rain" in Blade Runner, to "I dont want to go" from Infinity War. It makes it more magical to watch, for me personally anyway.

However, I am curious to know if there are any examples of improvised lines or scenes that, instead of elevating a scene to the next level. Really tanked the tone or impact of a line.

Or perhaps you think one of the famous improvised lines is actually not very good. Maybe you could share your thoughts on that.

I realise there may be no true examples of this, I certainly can't think of any.

Thanks for reading.



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TheCosmicFailure t1_j1d0s9z wrote

2016 Ghostbusters is filled with improvised lines. They miss more times than they hit.


MerryChristmasAlfred t1_j1d8hte wrote

Paul Feig always wants to be Team Dad and let everyone do their own thing and sometimes that can backfire.


ShaunTrek t1_j1d9zhk wrote

Exactly. I actually like quite a bit of Feig's work (Spy is very good), but Ghostbusters just seemed to get out of hand and he didn't reign it in well enough in the editing room, so you're left with a movie that is too long and filled with too many asides that are inconsistent as hell.


LazloPhanz t1_j1fcwrp wrote

Same. His 2016 version is Ghostbusters filmed like an episode of The Office.


BeachBoysOnD-Day t1_j1d4i83 wrote

In Shark Attack 3: Megalodon, John Barrowman was joking around while shooting a scene and improvised a line where he says to his female co-star: 'How about I take you back home and eat your pussy?'

He didn't expect the director to put that take in the film.


ShaunTrek t1_j1d9p05 wrote

Counterpoint: that's easily the best part of the movie.


Fictional_Idolatry t1_j1d5yqm wrote

Freddy vs. Jason has a character use a homophobic slur against Freddy. Something like, "What kind of (slur) wears a Christmas sweater". If you read articles, everyone involved in the movie acts like they have no idea how it appeared in the film, the writers claim to have never written it, everyone kind of acts like the actress improvised it and it slipped past the director and editors into the movie.

I suspect everyone involved is lying to cover the fact that they thought it was a good line, but if the actress really did improvise it, that's my vote.


cgio0 t1_j1fzl8o wrote

gay slurs were pretty common in movies in 90s and early 2000s pretty sure Bill and Ted both use gay slurs even though their Moto is to be excellent to each other.


st6374 t1_j1d0ykt wrote

It's a hard thing to find out about because rarely do bad quotes become famous. And even when they do, actors don't want to take credit for it.

I don't know. But it'll probably be something from someone like Tommy Wiseau, or someone known for improvising a lot & had a few bad movies. I bet Steve Martin, Eddie Murphy etc etc had some terrible improv that made it to the final cut.


naynaythewonderhorse t1_j1d1efn wrote

IIRC, Tommy Wiseau was very adamant about the word on the page being read. Really, that’s the case with a lot of those truly terrible directors. Actors are forced to read their stilted dialogue, and not given freedom in a lot of cases to make lines less awkward.


st6374 t1_j1d3573 wrote

JFC... I swear I thought some of the lines must have surely been improvised. Haha.. This makes the movie even funnier.

Thanks for the tidbit.


mediarch t1_j1d3vog wrote

He was originally going to have a flying car and he was going to be a vampire. No Im not joking.


st6374 t1_j1d4zl3 wrote

It just keeps better & better.


DietrichDaniels t1_j1emn25 wrote

The only improvised line was “Hai, doggy!” At the flower shop.


PalmerDixon t1_j1d4ie6 wrote

Currently rewatching Scrubs on 2nd monitor at work.

I love Neil Flynn's character (The Janitor) in the first few seasons because it wasn't overused. As episodes go on, it's just non-stop nonsense.

Sadly, in comment sections on youtube people go nuts over these blabbering scenes and even proudly point out that the writers just wrote "something Neil says" in the script ... Like that is a sign of quality ...

Anyway, it's not hell though.


WeWantChiliWilly t1_j1gwsnt wrote

Janitor definitely starts to get annoying sometime around Season 6 or so for me.


BEE_REAL_ t1_j1df8f9 wrote

Al Pacino in Dick Tracy and Johnny Depp in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory are both doing a bunch of improv the whole movie and it's just terrible imo (and Dick Tracy is a great movie otherwise)


AndruchaCS t1_j1gc7o9 wrote

Depp was so bad on Wonka that gave me bruxism


cjs616 t1_j1hdc0q wrote

I'm not sure if it was improvised, but Vinnie Jones's "I'm the Juggernaught, bitch!" in X-Men Last Stand was pretty bad (and his Juggernaught was already hitting big lows!)


spillcheck t1_j1fzr27 wrote

I assume most of the lines between. RDJ and Paltrow at the beginning of Infinity War were not on the page.

"No more surprises, ever. There should be no more surprises." Brutal.


EvadingDoom t1_j1g11fg wrote

The passerby telling Chekhov that she thinks the nuclear wessels are across the bay, in Alameda. It's cute and impressive that she was an extra who made it up on the spot, but to me it sounds like an extra making it up on the spot.


TAway69420666 t1_j1d4im1 wrote

Umm, a lot of times they'll just cut it or do another take
