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xxStrangerxx t1_j29uz41 wrote

It used to mean a movie that didn't do well at the box office and critically bombed, but grew on the secondary market. Usually a classic indicates 20-30 years has passed and the film remains relevant; being "cult" often shortens that duration because the level of fandom is more intense albeit still in minority numbers. THE BIG LEBOWSKI and THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW are examples of cult classics. Cult classics usually provoke costume parties and revivals


verstohlen t1_j29za1e wrote

It takes time, sometimes a lot of time, for it to happen, and is often very difficult to tell at the time if it will or won't become a cult classic. Repo man, Phantasm, Office Space, Cable Guy. Like a good mushroom or meat, it has to marinate for a while.


jracka t1_j2bthxp wrote

While I agree with most of this, the Big Lebowski was loved from the start. It got more love as time went on, but it was not a cult classic in the sense that Rocky Horror was.


DeadWalkerr t1_j2ao1yg wrote

Flash Gordon is a Cult Classic and will always be.


T3bone165 t1_j2ac8i7 wrote

Exactly. Now someone needs to make a top 20 cult classic list (that we can shit all over).