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JZSpinalFusion t1_j29xwaj wrote

Woodstock with Peter Jackson’s Get Back treatment.


percygreen t1_j29xmoa wrote

Sly and the Family Stone. There is some REAL drama that happened with that group, and watching Sly fall from an innovative musician who wanted to preach love and acceptance to surrounding himself with gangsters and becoming paranoid, to eventually living in a van as an old man who “used to be somebody” would be heartbreaking if it was done right.


partywalrusXL t1_j2a07uf wrote

The disappointment when The Family Stone got announced and it wasn't about them...


percygreen t1_j2a1b3v wrote

Was that a movie? I’m not familiar with that.


partywalrusXL t1_j2a2rnw wrote

Yeah, some tepid relationship drama I think? I never saw it on principle after it played with my heart like that


percygreen t1_j2a2ziq wrote

I see… they were trying to be clever with the title. Lame.


same1224 t1_j29xvev wrote

I’d love to see a Fleetwood Mac miniseries too! I recently got into watching music documentaries and specifically went looking for one on Fleetwood Mac on streaming and was sadly disappointed.

Technically it’s already been done before, but I’d love to see a better biopic on The Doors than the Oliver Stone movie, specifically in regards to accuracy of the events shown on screen.


Frajer t1_j29y3fs wrote

Oasis, Liam and Noel are so funny


uncultured_swine2099 t1_j29zcqu wrote

Maybe a musician who isnt legendarily well known, who didnt have a stratospheric rise from the start. Somebody like Greg Gonzales from Cigarettes After Sex, who recorded his debut in like 2010 or something and put it on bandcamp, and barely anyone even listened to it. Then a fan put it on youtube years later, and it suddenly went viral. Gonzales was playing in cover bands in dive bars for barely any money at the time, and when a flood of people started buying his record and the views on youtube were racking up, he said he started crying, he thought no one cared. Now at age 40 hes touring the world and while his band arent pop megastars, they are doing quite well for themselves. A lot of the music biopics are about big acts with skyrocket trajectories, so maybe Id like to see a story about a quieter triumph.


JamesCodaCoIa OP t1_j2a4ut1 wrote

That's a really good idea, too. I discovered Cigarettes After Sex on Spotify while looking for Murakami-themed playlists. I actually didn't know that about him, this could definitely be a movie for sure.


nachodorito t1_j29zeyt wrote

There was zero chance the Whitney biopic was going to be accurate bc the family had control and the family will not accept that she had issues and was lesbian/bi.


threat024 t1_j2a4pf4 wrote

Yup. That's the probably with most biopics. They won't really dig into the dirt since they want to maintain a certain image. The best biopics are showing just how shitty the performers are to balance out their celebrity


tomhanksgiving t1_j2a6ktc wrote

Joe Meek. There was a low budget film made a few years ago but a proper adaption is warranted. Very eccentric music producer and electronic music visionary during the British Invasion era. His story ends with a murder-suicide.


JamesCodaCoIa OP t1_j2a86i5 wrote

I think I read a story about him in one of the Big Books by Paradox Press.


DearBurt t1_j29xlja wrote

I'd personally love to see a biopic of Joan Baez.


Hausgebrauch t1_j2a40ud wrote

There is this really good graphic novel named WHO'S THE SCATMAN, which is a biography of Scatman John. They should turn that into a movie, but as animation, done in the same art style as the comic book.


TheeMunson t1_j2a6tru wrote

A Ramones biopic. I know that Pete Davidson is doing a Joey biopic, but for me, Joey was always the least interesting member of the band. There were so many other things going on behind the scenes that would be more interesting to cover.


JamesCodaCoIa OP t1_j2a8avo wrote

Dee Dee's addiction and rap album, and Johnny marrying Joey's ex and being a republican would be great.


TheeMunson t1_j2a91yj wrote

Dee Dee's substance abuse issues and his traumatic life history. Johnny's strict upbringing and his politics. The rotating list of drummers. The band was bigger than just one person.


broolprop3 t1_j2a772k wrote

Britney Spears so many things they can cover

Free Britney

Breakdown in 2007

Rise to fame

Family drama

However I think Britney Spears would quickly denounce this movie

My second choice would be the spice girls

What happen with the original lineup and why Michelle stepson was replace

What happen to there original manager

What happened when Geri. Left

Victoria Beckham and David Beckham

Geri nude scandal

How did they crossover to America

Why they did reunions