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VisibleEvidence t1_j2ayzya wrote

This movie is a perfect time capsule of 70’s car culture and a masterpiece of existentialism. Is it for everybody? Well, I once gave the remastered DVD as a gift to a friend and after they watched it he was mad at me for “pulling a joke” and “tricking them into watching it” and his wife banned me from their house permanently. If that isn’t the best recommendation for “Two Lane Blacktop” EVER, then I don’t know what is. This movie should be required viewing at every film school, on a double bill with “Breathless” (1960).


The_ZombyWoof OP t1_j2b1xjc wrote

You definitely have to go into it with a certain state of mind, or at least expectation of what you're watching.

The film is a meditation, and the invite to the viewer is to come along and join the meditation. Which is, in a way, a perfect time capsule of 70’s culture overall. Or, at least those early 70s years.

If nothing else, I really miss the pacing of 70s films.