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Stainless_Heart OP t1_j2euma6 wrote

Maybe so, but the JL coda hinted at so much more story with the Superman army society, Joker, an entire post-apocalyptic world, other supes desperately making a last stand, etc. We don’t get that development elsewhere. In addition, the troupe of actors at that one point, now almost all dismissed, were peak players of those characters.

I get what you’re saying about boring Superman story lines; if you’ve got an invincible protagonist, the story only goes one way. That’s been the problem with Superman from the very beginning. However, the Affleck Batman battle with Superman was a superb execution with engaging character insights. The entire DOJ storyline giving us more Wonder Woman development, the genesis of a new and very interesting Lex Luthor, and a tease of Deathstroke is all a sad waste now being discarded.

It does seem that DC is quite good at squandering their properties.


mortiousprime t1_j2f5jum wrote

Superman is only a boring protagonist with an unimaginative director and writer. The thing that is boring is having one-dimensional villains that can only try to fistfight him (like Doomsday, a villain created solely for the Death of Superman arc and has done nothing of note since). Superman isn’t a Dragonball character, his sole purpose in the story isn’t to be guy that beats up the bad guy. If there was one good point of the JL movie, it was that the way to beat Supes is to distract him by giving him someone else to save, because Superman will ALWAYS prioritize saving people over beating up the bad guy. Superman is supposed to be the example of what a hopeful, helpful being could be when given godlike powers and NOT wanting to abuse them looks like. Unlike Spider-Man, whose struggle to balance life and crimefighting is part of his narrative, Superman does all of this because being a hero is who and what he is, and he gives everything he has to do that.

But I overall think you and I are on the same page: DC shit the bed.