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junglespycamp t1_j2f25ut wrote

People should not feel compelled to keep respectful opinions to themselves. But I do question what motivated someone to make yet another post on r/movies to this effect. This opinion is more tired than the opposite at this point. We get it: super popular movie isn’t universally loved. No kidding. That’s true for every thing that is super popular. It sucks being in the minority but you’re not superior for being contrarian. Both sides are valid.


dreddllama t1_j2f2pjj wrote

They put zero effort into this post, it’s not the opinion it’s the waste of time that’s the problem.


Stalker_Bait t1_j2fc0cy wrote

Seriously? Are we really complaining about motivation and wasting time on a website you decided to go to, scroll through, and the comment on? It’s the super whiney vibes like yours that make this subreddit lame.