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thedailymotions t1_j2f3k7o wrote

I’m not sure how people think that it isn’t a good movie. I watched it the other day for the first time and my thoughts were 1.) it’s original 2.) the acting was phenomenal 3.) the plot was unique and interesting and last but not least, it had a diverse cast of people that reminded me of Lost in Translation.

You don’t have to have any trauma to enjoy it. I would say that the people who don’t like it now will like it years from now. It mixed family, action,comedy and sci fi all at once hence why I think the movie is deeper than people think and correlates with the title of the film. Watch it again.


Marcello_ t1_j2fb3dw wrote

Because its poorly written, generic and derivative in its storytelling format with horrible humor beats, not that well acted at all outside of the lead (with a horrible performance by the daughter), unexceptional on a technical level (especially when it comes to the score) and just overall not that good. its the only movie ive ever tried to watch two separate times and wasnt able to finish both times. Not ripping you for your opinion, just explaining how someone could think its not a good movie.


SNYDER_BIXBY_OCP t1_j2fofkk wrote

None of this analysis comes off as credible.

What about the story is derivative? Derivative of what?

Not well acted....

Unexceptional on the technical side? The thing is an editing and sound-mixing miracle.

You seem to be desperate to find a flaw but you picked places that objectively weren't flaws

If you don't like the film bc of all the hype and you want to hide you're being a contrarian fine.

I mean if u want to criticize the flick at least take the safer route of saying the film is pretentious but your comments expose a low quality of film literacy.


Marcello_ t1_j2fqu9k wrote

it follows every single beat of every multiverse work of fiction ever created with a horrible dash of the worst of rick and morty humor coming in the form of the hot dog fingers bit. derivative.

outside of the lead how is any other performance remotely exceptional? the daughters performance is flat out bad (pun intended), and jamie lee curtis’ performance could almost be considered parody. i could go on but whats the point?

i guess the technical element of things boils down to subjective opinion, but i guess i didnt see anything remotely exceptional on any front. the score is as forgettable as the marvel films that this is essentially copying.

your counter point of my opinion coming from the point of solely being a contrarian is juvenile, along with you insinuating my film literacy is questionable, especially since you don’t provide literally anything of substance to back up your claim of why you dont understand why people wouldnt think its a good movie.
