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Stinsation18 t1_j2845kn wrote

  1. No spoiler tag?
  2. If "having a lot of blood" is your bar for a good movie versus a bad one, I'm not sure how much I can take your movie opinion seriously. If it's also a little unsettling that something like that is so highly rated in your eyes. You made other okay points about other features in the movie, but I would avoid mentioning "a lot of blood" as a reason for rating a movie positively in the future. That's not exactly a deciding factor for most people and probably more often a deterrent than attractant.

memer2239 OP t1_j284owe wrote

Yes i know i did forget the spoiler part , but " a lot fo blood " is okay for me . its an R rated movie for gods sake . its supposed to happen in the movie . i have seen a lot of movies with WAYYYY more blood get even better reviews than bullet train . and if your saying that the film didnt have much story , you gotta remember the flashbacks and the white death reveal . besides tangerine and lemon is one of the only reasons that i rated it so high up , theyre story is better than most so thats why .


Stinsation18 t1_j285cgp wrote

Brother, you're missing the point. I'm saying that most people aren't going to rate a film positively based on the amount of blood. I would go as far as to say that most people would rate a film lower for gratuitous amounts of blood, honestly. If that's your thing, I guess that's fine, but don't use it as a talking point when trying to persuade other people on the quality of a film. It's certainly not something that most people will see as a big positive and hurts your argument more than helps it.


memer2239 OP t1_j285z37 wrote

alright you have a point , i should have prob said fighting scenes 💀💀


Mg5581 t1_j28bcr5 wrote

I don’t think anyone would rate a film lower for having a lot of blood, that’s the same logic as liking it more for having a lot of blood. Seasoned movie viewers can handle cinematic violence.


Stinsation18 t1_j28p8qn wrote

No it's not. People are naturally squeamish and have a hard time looking at blood. Maybe not a majority of people, but there is a large contingency of folks that have a hard time with blood and gore. There are a lot of people that love movies and watch movies but avoid the horror and over the top action movies that I'm sure have seen more movies than you and I combined. I would consider them seasoned regardless of they could handle blood or not. I bet we could roll through RT or another movie rating site for this film or another like 300 and we would find people giving it out reviews for the violent stuff but few people praising it for the blood and gore.


HarvestEmperor t1_j28xnjs wrote

>booohoo blood scare me nooo

This movie sucks cause it uses racism and racist archetypes to drive home another whiteman savior shtick

Not because you pee your pants when you see an ounce of blood


Stinsation18 t1_j28yrpz wrote

I'm fine with blood. Doesn't bother me at all. If you decided to read my comments, you would see I was merely giving OP some advice on more effective argument methods. OP wanted to inform others that he thought the movie was good and opened up with talking about the amount of blood in the fight scenes. I simply told OP that focusing on other cinematic aspects would strengthen his argument far more than talking about the amount of blood involved.

That being said, I haven't seen the movie yet. It's on my watch list. I wouldn't be able to appropriately acknowledge or discuss any racial undertones related to the film. It seems like you have a pretty strong opinion about it, however. I will make sure to keep that in mind when watching the movie to try and see where your critiques are coming from. I'm sorry to hear the movie bothered you so much because of the race selection for the protagonist. The good thing is, Hollywood has been making strides in terms of improving the diversity of movie leads and protagonists. Hopefully, they continue to do so, and you find more films that suit your tastes moving forward.