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AdmiralCharleston t1_j2922ca wrote

I totally understand why people enjoyed it and there's clearly a lot of work in it, but personally I found it to be full of the worst aspects of the deadpool films and a lot of the attempts at plant and pay off felt either forced for the sake of it or just not that satisfying. The cast is great and I think as an action film its enjoyable enough but it felt like it was made by a film student who grew up exclusively on Edgar Wright films and 2010s meme culture. The fact that the shut up Karen line was only in the trailer also feels kinda baity but that's a slightly more personal gripe than the rest of the personal gripes I have about it lmao. Again, I think it's well made and works alright for what it is but I feel like it suffers from so many issues that other films get criticised for but people act like it's a breath of fresh air which I just find confusing