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mikeyfreshh t1_j6n6t8h wrote

You should get on Letterboxd if you're not already. That's a better platform for this kind of thing and it will make it easier for you to sort through your movies and reviews later on


Yenserl6099 OP t1_j6n6yee wrote

Interesting. I never heard of Letterboxd before. I'll definitely check it out


glassjaw9 t1_j6n7gzn wrote

Seconding this. Letterboxd is how nice been keeping track of the movies I’ve seen for years.


twfilms t1_j6na99q wrote

Yeah, you definitely gotta get a Letterboxd. Doing this shit manually like this is so 2011.

I kid. But seriously, Letterboxd will change your life.


Yenserl6099 OP t1_j6nagix wrote

I'll look into getting it and doing it for February should I choose to do a post for February. I had a lot of fun doing this this month so I'm on the fence about it


TheTurtleShepard t1_j6non27 wrote

Just piling on but I essentially do the same thing on my letterboxd and I love it. I watch a movie then I can go in, give it a rating out of 5 stars and write a little review about what I liked and disliked. It’s a lot of fun too to be able to go back and sort and see what movies I liked or didn’t like and why.

I also generally trust the letterboxd opinion on movies more than any other site (like rotten tomatoes, IMDB , etc) I find those ratings tend to fall in line more with my tastes more often than not


Yenserl6099 OP t1_j6nuul5 wrote

It baffles my mind that I never heard of Letterboxd before today. The site definitely seems like it would be right up my alley. I went ahead and created my profile and added all my movies for January as well as the reviews that I wrote