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Jonathan-Rook t1_j6p4kdn wrote

I had an idea for a D&D movie like five years ago. It was a James Franco/Seth Rogen comedy (before their falling out) wherein Seth is at a birthday party for James Franco (much like this is the end). He goes downstairs to get more booze, and while down there, decides to smoke some weed. He’s looking around in the cellar, and sees an old, dusty, dungeons and dragons board. Dave Franco comes downstairs, to see what’s taking Rogan so long, and finds him with the D&D board. He goes in to talking with Seth about how he and James used to play it a little when they were kids but James grew out of it and Dave always wish he hadn’t. Seth then responds with how much he loves D&D; and going into who his character was, their traits stats, etc. as the smoke blows around the room, the two guys start to get really high. It is at this point that they open up the board, and start playing. The movie, sortve goes into a story telling experience (like the princess bride) with Dave & Seth enacting the roles of their respective avatars.

Eventually, more and more guests from the party come down. (Some unexpected), a few of which have gone on record in real life to admitting that they are in-fact gamers, nerds, avid readers of fantasy, etc.

People like Vin Diesel, and Henry Cavill would join the cast, and some really out-there castings and cameos for a really funny story; comedians like, Larry David, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Jack Black, and others would make appearances, along with some of the regulars in these movies like Craig Robinson, Jay Baruchel, Danny McBride, Kristen Wiig etc.

There was also to be some weird (but funny) additions, like Nicolas Cage, Jack, Nicholson, Christopher, Walken, Elijah, Wood & Sean Astin etc.

The idea is that it’d start out as two guys smoking weed and playing D&D in a basement at a party, and eventually as more people found their way downstairs, become the party itself.

The plot would literally be how the game they were playing unfolded - the moral by the time they close the book and finish the game being something along the lines of you don’t need lots of fortune or fame to have a good time with friends; and don’t forget the child-at-heart, Or Some bullshit.