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BattlinBud t1_j6by370 wrote

Man, seeing that when it came out is one of my most vivid movie theater memories. My dad and I saw it opening night, I remember I had to work that day at my shitty high school busboy job, I got off so late that I had to go straight from there to the theater and all day the thought of it gave me something to look forward to. At the time I think I'd seen just about everything Tarantino had done so far and was massively hyped for this, and it was a rare situation where I had expectations that seemed impossible to live up to but somehow it exceeded them. At the end of the movie >!when they kill Hitler and everyone, at the time that just blew my fuckin mind. Once it got to the whole sequence at the movie theater, I had no idea what to expect as far as historical accuracy, and I kept thinking "Is that where he's gonna go with this? Is he just gonna say fuck it and kill Hitler?" And he did, the absolute madlad.!<

I wish I could forget all his movies so I could watch them for the first time again. Hope you enjoy the rest of them, I'm sure you will.