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rondonjon t1_j6axun7 wrote

Opening scene is masterful, but so is that basement scene. It’s a comfort movie for me.


StockAL3Xj t1_j6b4hgz wrote

Those are the ones talked about the most but the bear jew scene and the ending negotiation scene are also amazing. Not tense in the same way but just as captivating.


AmishAvenger t1_j6ceoio wrote

This has got to be the first time I’ve heard of a Tarantino film being called a “comfort film”


rondonjon t1_j6dexke wrote

I’m probably stretching the meaning of the word. If I want to watch a movie and I can’t decide on anything new, then pretty much any Tarantino or Cohen Brothers film is this way for me.


cireh88 t1_j6ayaxl wrote

This was arguably one of Tarantino’s best. So many to choose from though. I’m also partial to The Hateful Eight and Kill Bill


dangerous_strainer t1_j6bhw0z wrote

Your choices are my favourite as well, though I'd add Reservoir Dogs in there to round it out.


pmc64 t1_j6b4t37 wrote

Watch all of them. Don't forget true romance and from dusk till dawn. Imo natural born killers is a Tarantino movie butchered by Oliver stone


BattlinBud t1_j6bycag wrote

I'd argue Dusk Til Dawn feels way more like a Rodriguez movie than a Tarantino movie though (although Tarantino is actually IN it, of course). True Romance though feels like a 100% Tarantino movie that just happens to not be directed by him.


stockybloke t1_j6bcgm8 wrote

I would say stay clear of Death Proof and Grindhouse. I am not sure I actually ever saw Grindhouse, but I know it is supposed to be in the same style as Death Proof and whilst I admire his love of cinema and his ambition it is not particularly good and also completely removed from all his other movies.


Sp00kbee t1_j6be3t4 wrote

What? No love for Stuntman Mike? That's a shame


ProximusSeraphim t1_j6bgzku wrote

Nah, Planet Terror and Death Proof are completely different movies in tone. Nothing alike


MikeShannonThaGawd t1_j6bljr9 wrote

Grindhouse is not the title of either movie.

They released Planet Terror and Death Proof as a double feature called Grindhouse.


maracle6 t1_j6d4tk7 wrote

Death Proof is awesome. It’s as pure Tarantino as it gets, with extended dialog, his signature style of characters, extensive practical stunt work, revenge fantasy, and is a total homage to the 70s grindhouse slasher genre. I get why its appeal is somewhat limited as that’s a feature of genre films. Personally I’d surely put this in my top 5 favorite Tarantino films.


fuckeh t1_j6b2i8c wrote

Get moving on the rest of his movies now. They’re great.


tigersanddawgs t1_j6b3ms8 wrote

My favorite Tarantino. Endlessly rewatchable movie


Sp00kbee t1_j6bertr wrote

Man... I am a little jealous. Experiencing Tarantino movies for the first time. Hopefully you decide to go through his entire catalog. Take the good with the bad. There is something to love about all his films.


GaryKing1413 t1_j6bg5oz wrote

Watch all Tarantino movies. Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Kill Bill (V1-V2), Death Proof (Imo, his worst film, not all bad, just not good), Django:Unchained (IMO, the best), Hateful 8, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.

You should probably also watch his script movies, True Romance and Natural Born Killers, Dusk till Dawn, these are both written by Tarantino, True Romance is probably the best and most similar to Tarantino in style


Due_Law1961 t1_j6bge01 wrote

A masterpiece. Glad you saw it


CRoseCrizzle t1_j6bio1n wrote

I recommend that you watch the rest of them as soon as possible. Tarantino movies are all amazing imo.


Weekendgetaway2000 t1_j6b6dke wrote

Hey Roy schieder called he wants his pitz palu story back.


BattlinBud t1_j6by370 wrote

Man, seeing that when it came out is one of my most vivid movie theater memories. My dad and I saw it opening night, I remember I had to work that day at my shitty high school busboy job, I got off so late that I had to go straight from there to the theater and all day the thought of it gave me something to look forward to. At the time I think I'd seen just about everything Tarantino had done so far and was massively hyped for this, and it was a rare situation where I had expectations that seemed impossible to live up to but somehow it exceeded them. At the end of the movie >!when they kill Hitler and everyone, at the time that just blew my fuckin mind. Once it got to the whole sequence at the movie theater, I had no idea what to expect as far as historical accuracy, and I kept thinking "Is that where he's gonna go with this? Is he just gonna say fuck it and kill Hitler?" And he did, the absolute madlad.!<

I wish I could forget all his movies so I could watch them for the first time again. Hope you enjoy the rest of them, I'm sure you will.


cheetofacesucks t1_j6c5yb3 wrote

I’m still shocked Jackie Brown never seems to get any love. My favorite QT movie


THESIDPROF t1_j6ayxjz wrote

I'd have no issue with someone thinking Basterds is his best. As well as Pulp Fiction or Django.


TheClayroo t1_j6b0vii wrote

My favourite movie. There's just so much in a few hours, he really lets you know what he thinks of it with Pitt's last line.


Ransome62 t1_j6b0byw wrote

Get a DVD copy of Pulp Fiction, Or somehow find an unedited copy that is exactly what they showed in theater with the same soundtrack.

Alot of what's online or steamable is a version that's been edited ALOT since it was first released. It's the details they change... some songs also.

Anyways, get that.

Your life will be changed forever.

Edit: this is off topic but this applies to a bunch of movies from that era... one where it really shows the massive difference is "Tommy Boy"

If you find an old DVD copy or VHS, I will guarantee the soundtrack and alot of parts will be in that cut that are not in the stuff you get from streaming etc.


danimal6000 t1_j6b6i9k wrote

Really? Can you point me towards something that details the differences? I’ve not heard of this.


OverYon t1_j6c7cxb wrote

Ya I can’t find anything. Would be interested to be proved wrong but the only info I can find is obvious stuff like cable tv editing scenes and cutting out profanity like they do for any movie on public Tv in America lmfao (why air it at all)

I can’t find any info at all about songs being changed etc, unless you live in the United Arab Emirates where they apparently released a version that was completely recut in chronological order


Ransome62 t1_j6exdwz wrote

Just try it, watch one on stream and then on DVD. See the difference.


OverYon t1_j6f1ud4 wrote

Which is what exactly? I’ve seen pulp fiction over 20 times…can you state one specific change


Bawbawian t1_j6b5p2c wrote

you know pulp fiction used to be my favorite Tarantino movie

but now my top three would be

hateful eight, inglorious bastards and Django unchained.


jfstompers t1_j6bneu6 wrote

One of my favorite movies and one of Tarantinos best.


Duel_Option t1_j6c5ge1 wrote

Watch more Tarantino, if you like that these will be right up your alley…

  • Pulp Fiction
  • Reservoir Dogs
  • Kill Bill 1/2
  • Django

TheLDollY t1_j6cd86y wrote

This is in my top 5 ever movies. I love it. I can watch it over and over when it's on the TV


Arfguy t1_j6b2bvv wrote

I mostly don't care for Tarantino movies, but I love this movie.

It is one glorious basterd!


Owasso_Landman t1_j6b9hei wrote

It’s perfect except for the factionalized history at the end. Hans Landa was a perfectly good villain and killing Hitler wasn’t necessary.


Konggen t1_j6b5x6b wrote

The worst Tarantino movie IMO, havent seen Once upon a time in hollywood, and not going to either.Hate it when people take real people, and twist history with something that never happened. that's why i don't like Inglorious bastards either.

Pulp Fiction, Reservoir dogs, Django unchained, Hateful eight are my favorite Tarantino movies


exaslave t1_j6bzaln wrote

> Hate it when people take real people, and twist history with something that never happened.

Your choice but... I never knew about the "history" that Once Upon a Time in Hollywood takes from. I was more interested on the other characters and story going on instead and still it was a great movie.


Owasso_Landman t1_j6e0vwk wrote

Which is why it’s ridiculous. There was literally zero reason to include it other than shock value.


Owasso_Landman t1_j6b9sae wrote

Just said basically the same thing. Involving Hitler at the end completely undercuts a beautifully written villain in Hans Landa. Landa carried the movie and the alternate history took me out of it when it wasn’t needed.


vladivan t1_j6dxqgl wrote

But thats what the movie is about? Its about how cinema can influence the perception of reality. The nazis used cinema as propaganda. Tarantino takes away power of nazis by showing that they are just a bunch of assholes and not some unimaginable monsters. There's a reason why everything in basterds is about film.


Owasso_Landman t1_j6dzh92 wrote

Yes and all of that was accomplished without killing Hitler.


vladivan t1_j6e0a7n wrote

No. Killing hitler in a ridiculous way is a symbolic fuck you to all fascists of the past, present and the future.