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ceaguila84 t1_j6odjro wrote

Anything these people don't like is "woke."

So tired of that damn word, what a sad existence.


Simmie58 t1_j6odu9w wrote

Having a female lead was not at all a reason why the sequel trilogy was bad, not really sure why you're trying to make that connection when your arguments were about bad writing that didn't even involve Rey.


mikeyfreshh t1_j6oeqpf wrote

>I can't stand politics in movies

What's your favorite movie? I guarantee it has a political message

>however in the process it just made everything in the past star wars movies meaningless and pointless, the efforts of the rebel alliance didn't matter because the empire returned in the form of the first order, Palpatine was still breathing, apparently, you could have heal wounds with the force this whole time, they turned Luke into an old bitter hermit etc

All valid criticisms, none of them have anything to do with the gender of the main character. The movies were poorly written, that has nothing to with "wokeism" or whatever

>Doing a piece of media simply for a woke agenda only doesn't work it makes the whole film feel rushed and boring like the Disney star wars trilogy

Do you think Disney was doing that to promote their political message? They were doing it because Star Wars sells. Those movies made billions of dollars.

>These reboots fail every time because the classics are so good you cannot recreate them these are once-in-a-lifetime treasures and successes you cannot make gold out of scratch.

Except for Mad Max: Fury Road, Blade Runner 2049, The Batman and all of the other reboots and remakes that are actually good.

>Sadly it may never stop because despite how cheap and lazy they are they still make tons of money.

This is the main point. Hollywood is a business and they do things to make money. There are plenty of indie movies out there if you're actually looking for some solid art


TheTurtleShepard t1_j6oe1en wrote

You could have just said that you don't like the new star wars movies...


Antic_Opus t1_j6oe4bt wrote

>the past star wars movies meaningless and pointless

They were meaningless and pointless far before the latest trilogy.


Knowlesdinho t1_j6oe68y wrote

I mean movies have always reflected their time and the politics of the time. You only have to watch 5 minutes of a Bond film from the 60s/70s to feel the cold war paranoia. Watch the original Planet of the Apes to feel the nuclear war paranoia.

There was a whole 2 decades of American movies licking the wounds of Vietnam.

If anything, the movies of today are reflecting the mood of society, some in a good way, some maybe in a bad way, just like always.