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Friscogonewild t1_j6ov9e0 wrote

> If you sit at a table with 10 average people from the city, odds are that you won't have much agreement if you tell them you are against your black daughter marrying a white dude.

What people believe and what they are willing to admit--even anonymously--are two very different things.


kirill_da_thrill OP t1_j6oy1sp wrote

well what peiple believe anonymously is none of our fucking concern is it?

i'm just saying socially speaking (not even legally speaking) interacial marriage is not up for debate in the US, even less in Los Angeles. Are some american, los angeles families strongly against it? sure!

i was just poiting out that reacting to your white best friend DATING a black girl the way Mo did in the movie was fuking nuts