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atomiccheesegod t1_j6ovhpj wrote

I watched it and it’s one of the most cringe films I’ve seen in a while. I didn’t think it was offensive but then again I’m not Jewish or Muslim. I did google Louis Farrakhan afterward and….yikes that’s just peak cringe.

this movie had a amazing cast but it felt extremely stiff and non-organic. Eddie Murphy’s character is irrationally angry at everything. He doesn’t like non-Muslims, seems to openly hate Jews. He doesn’t like white peoples, and even openly mocks light skin black people in the opening scene.

This movie is essentially “Jews=rich, white=bad, black=angry”

Also on a separate note Jonah Hill isn’t looking well, he looks a decade older than the character he is playing.


kirill_da_thrill OP t1_j6oyfy6 wrote

I think it's because he lost a lot of weight (good on him) which can cause a bit of saggy skin which can make you look older.

im not sure though

as for the movie, I think the worst character was Mo. I don't know if you agree but I just couldn't stand her and she propagates the idea that white people and black people don't belong and it sounds so offf to me


atomiccheesegod t1_j6p1e7g wrote

I did really understand her point in being in the film honestly, she was simultaneously on a successful podcast with a white dude that was all about “culture” (whatever that means) and in the mindset that blacks people and white people are natural enemies