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Antic_Opus t1_j6on9qf wrote

>Interacial marriage stopped being debated before I was born, how is interacial dating "iN thIs SociAl CliMate" any worse???

Oh you sweet summer child


awesomark t1_j6oq8vp wrote

yeah, maybe OP is very young, but support for interracial marriage didn't pass 50% until ~1997 (


kirill_da_thrill OP t1_j6otu75 wrote

also thanks for this, I think some people need to read this article. I personally thought it was lower, it obviously is even higher than 94% in Los Angeles (setting of the movie) yet people call me naive


maximumhippo t1_j6or71m wrote

.....which is exactly the point. OP is saying that the "issue" of interracial marriage is a solved problem. The commenter you are responding to is calling them naive for thinking that interracial marriage is universally respected and no longer a subject of debate.


kirill_da_thrill OP t1_j6otl9y wrote

in the setting of the movie (Los Angeles) it is not a subject of social debate. Are there some people there against it? For sure. But it's not a subject of social debate. If you sit at a table with 10 average people from the city, odds are that you won't have much agreement if you tell them you are against your black daughter marrying a white dude.


Friscogonewild t1_j6ov9e0 wrote

> If you sit at a table with 10 average people from the city, odds are that you won't have much agreement if you tell them you are against your black daughter marrying a white dude.

What people believe and what they are willing to admit--even anonymously--are two very different things.


kirill_da_thrill OP t1_j6oy1sp wrote

well what peiple believe anonymously is none of our fucking concern is it?

i'm just saying socially speaking (not even legally speaking) interacial marriage is not up for debate in the US, even less in Los Angeles. Are some american, los angeles families strongly against it? sure!

i was just poiting out that reacting to your white best friend DATING a black girl the way Mo did in the movie was fuking nuts


InflamedLiver t1_j6oogmd wrote

I was gonna say I’m sure it doesn’t raise eyebrows in the middle of a big city, but anywhere rural , or even in the Deep South…


kirill_da_thrill OP t1_j6ooqhb wrote

It's not because it still is a very real issue (my dad for example was worried when I was seeing an asian girl because he said our kids wouldn't have blue eyes or whatever) that it's something REAL people in REAL life care about. People in their 20s and 30s for sure don't care about this, because this issue is not relevant like it was before (literally was socially accepted before to be against)

On top of that, "iN thIs SocIal CliMate" is fucking cringe because if anything it's better now than it ever was and Black Lives Matter protests shouldn't make it worse


filthysize t1_j6opd7f wrote

You seem incredibly, incredibly sheltered.


kirill_da_thrill OP t1_j6ot88k wrote

Well I'm sorry but my older brother has been in a interracial relationship for a while now, my sister has been in a couple and so did I. My friend is currently in one.

Are there some prejudice against these? Of course, you would have to be blind to say that racism doesn't exist anymore.

But it's definitely less an issue than before. My dad I think (from comments he's made) is internally against it, even though he himself had relations with different ethnicities.

Also, my comment was about how the current social climate is better than ever for interacial relationship and how it's fucking cringy that the first thing you say to someone dating a black girl is "iN thIs sOciAl CliMatE?? HoPe No OnE geTs kIlleD LoL"


graymulligan t1_j6opkwm wrote

>People in their 20s and 30s for sure don't care about this

Tell me you haven't traveled much without coming out and saying it. Super naïve take.


kirill_da_thrill OP t1_j6osgqw wrote

Well I'm speaking generally in the setting of the movie people don't care. Would you say the most popular opinion in Los Angeles is that interracial marriage is bad, or that being against interracial marriage is bad??


Criticalculated t1_j6oqq6l wrote

You have got be under 25 years old.


kirill_da_thrill OP t1_j6oz0sf wrote

what a weird age cutoff for having a legitimate opinion


Criticalculated t1_j6p1zxx wrote

Its more a cutoff of when you realize your info about the world is incomplete and by that age, you walk away from making blanket assessments about human behavior. It takes a while to get a full exposure to humanity and sub 25 peeps usually get excluded from experiencing whole segments of existence.

I see your legitimate opinion was removed by the mods. Maybe because it's not legit and just dog shit.


VincenzioLives t1_j6onezm wrote

You’ve sold this to me. I think I’ll watch tonight.

Thanks bro.


kirill_da_thrill OP t1_j6onvei wrote

I actually watched it yesterday, I did finish it. I expected a comedy that was mostly going to be jonah hill trying too hard to impress eddie murphy and like getting punked at la "Get Hard" but instead its a failed social commentary that somehow manages to be politically correct and racist at the same time

It's not terrible to watch as the story flows and everything, but after second thought its pretty tone deaf


IOnlySayMeanThings t1_j6ookqg wrote

I'd ask "Do people feel this way?" instead of "Nobody feels this way!"


kleptophobiac t1_j6oo1r9 wrote

Can we also talk about including the Nation of Islam without making fun of it, in a FUCKING COMEDY??? It's not a documentary. Literally a sect of hate and antisemitism.

I didn't like this movie much, but I thought his parents' reaction to the Farrakhan part of that conversation was one of the only non on-the-nose parts of the entire film. I definitely got the message that they were appalled, but scriptwise there's no need for them to specifically call out Nation of Islam chapter and verse for their transgressions.


kirill_da_thrill OP t1_j6opty7 wrote

No need to call it out, but why include it? The obviously werent going to include any antisemitic stuff in it, so why the need to have a Farrakhan cocksucker in the movie?


kleptophobiac t1_j6osvu1 wrote

You don't think any of the characters expressed antisemitic views?


kirill_da_thrill OP t1_j6ov6ux wrote

Are there any antisemitic jokes from the antisemitic characters? Are there any explicit expression of antismitism?


kleptophobiac t1_j6p2ou2 wrote

So Eddie Murphy and his wife and their friends were only iffy on Jonah's character because he was a podcaster?

But also, I'm going to go ahead and count belittling the Holocaust because "Jews are doing just fine, aren't they?" as pretty blatant. Your mileage may vary, I guess.


TrickNatural t1_j6oou9t wrote

The movie is not good enough for anyone to care.


DJtakemehome t1_j6onoor wrote

Pretending that no one feels the way the characters, both black and white, feel about the other’s race just makes us all ignorant. In order to address problematic stereotypes and prejudices we have to identify and address them, not just stick our heads in the sand and learn nothing about the people around us.


kirill_da_thrill OP t1_j6oqrtc wrote

I agree with what you are trying to say but it's a touchy subject and sometimes you have to be held accountable for the way your piece of artwork is perceived. This movie feels heavy and dividing and the message is kinda fucked up, you have them breaking up because their family are not compatible BECAUSE THEIR PARENTS ARE FUCKING TERRIBLE, and then have the neitral character say it's because BLACK AND WHITE PEIPLE WILL NEVER BE OKAY, and then the only rrason they go through with the wedding is because they love each other, not because the parents go along.

Also the whole holocaust vs slavery bit was heavy and tone deaf

We are past the times when we could be tone deaf with such delicate issues


njdevils901 t1_j6on420 wrote

Because no one cares and no one should


kirill_da_thrill OP t1_j6oni4z wrote

I thought the movie would make fun of people being against interacial dating when it sort of dances around the border of "they have their reasons" and "it can still work"


[deleted] t1_j6opd74 wrote



Stoll t1_j6orfjn wrote

Yeah, it’s a remake of “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner.” That version was a white family and the daughter brought home a black guy.


Weird_Slice4439 t1_j6oo4yl wrote

Most people just need to get over themselves and develop a sense of humor.


kirill_da_thrill OP t1_j6oqv9x wrote

You mean the directors of the movie? Because they confused the funny in comedy for cringy?


ff9lex t1_j6onohp wrote

Totally agree for me it was almost unwatchable

I'm not from the US is it really like that there cause it's a nightmare people is so obsessed with race its insane almost every dialogue of the movie is about race, racial culture or religion I understand it's part of the conflict of the movie but the dialogue was so bad they seem like a walking cliche critizicing cliches


kirill_da_thrill OP t1_j6orty9 wrote


I'm not from the States myself but really close to the border and have been a lot of times and it doesn't seem realistic to me, but I haven't lived there neither.

Not only is everything about race, it's also dealt with in a very clumbsy way.


larssmg t1_j6opj9g wrote

I liked it.


fallnomega t1_j6oqwdi wrote

Can people just watch a movie and not look for anything to bitch about ? Yea this movie has its flaws but so what. I found it far too tame and “safe space” in its dialogue (Jonah’s in particular) but I’m not mad about it. I didn’t care for it much so I’ll probably never watch it again. Judge the movie on whether you found it good or not. Not on if it checked off every social issue on your list.


SecretaryGrace t1_j6optxf wrote

Please stop the earth, I want to get off.


Electrical-Mud4356 t1_j6orkcs wrote

A white guy and a black guy wrote the film together. A film is just a story. Don't take it so seriously.


kirill_da_thrill OP t1_j6ouhhz wrote

Oh well I guess since a white guy and a black guy wrote the film together all is well!


Electrical-Mud4356 t1_j6ozxqu wrote

What I mean is a mixture of different races made the film together. If it was an all-white cast, crew, everything, making jokes about black people that would be different. And vice versa.

People should relax when it comes to films. Music, novels, paintings, films, drawings, stories; they're all art. I'm going to make a film in an attempt to not upset anyone. Here's the blurb:

"Sarah is neither a man or a female. She is also neither black or white. Come to think of it, she doesn't really exist. She lives off the land, and by that I mean she drinks rain water and eats her own fingernails so she doesn't damage anything in the world that surrounds her. She falls in love with another invisible entity, Dikembe. Together, they explore the world, drinking rainwater and eating each others fingernails. They speak to every single person on the planet and learn their life stories. They also learn every language and observe every religion being practiced. As some people don't believe in monogamy, Sarah and Dikembe invite Tree and Wasp into their relationship. Tree isn't a real tree, but more of a metaphor, and Wasp is not an animal, but a drawing. I'm assuming you haven't bothered to read this far so I'm just going to end it here. As you can see I'm not the most serious person in the world, but I'm assuming that I've offended thousands of people already with this post"


[deleted] t1_j6osews wrote

Something can be racial without being racist. Something can portray racism without being racist. If you look at the movie as a whole and think it's racist, I look at you and think you're soft as baby shit and easily triggered.

The type of racism you're seeing portrayed in this movie is casual, day to day microaggressions and bias from not interacting with different demographics and cultures. It's lazy racial observations at the level of a twitter conversation. It's NOTHING like real hardcore historical racism, it's just annoying bourgeois frictions around race and culture that two middle class families would have. It's only a touchy subject because people like you get all triggered and emotional and can't think through mild discomfort.

I'm jewish, my grandparents are buried in a WW2 jewish war veterans cemetery, and their entire family is buried in mass graves in Europe. Kanye's music rules and is perfect for the movie, he's fine. He's just a crazy celebrity, what he says doesn't matter at all. I'm allowing it on behalf of all jews everywhere. So is Jonah, you self righteous on-behalf-of-others whiner. Adults can separate a work of art from the artist. What a dumb overly sensitive cancel culture world you've created for yourself.

The real crime is having this cast and making such a bad movie with them. Julia Louis Dreyfuss absolutely shines, and so does Jonah and Eddie when they're actually doing improv instead of trying to come off as cool.


kirill_da_thrill OP t1_j6ox3sx wrote

I agree with you for the cast.

I also agree with ypu for separating the work from the artist, as my post said. But that's personal and in the current social climate it's very tricky, I feel like the general consensus is to wait a bit before using someones work ie making sure its not too fresh in peoples memory.

And yes something can be racial without being racist. But if you're being clubsy with such a touchy issue, you deserve the backlash.

Touching racial subjects is very hard. It's like playing with fire.

I don't feel like it's going on a limb to say that the directors burned themselves on this one.


[deleted] t1_j6p1ncy wrote

> But that's personal and in the current social climate it's very tricky

"It's personal" is a weak defense for your generation's behavior. I understand that the current social climate is people like you whose brains are highly influenced by social media, but the way to change that is to just fucking ignore what the social media culture wants and do whatever you want to do. The internet isn't real, and people engaging in the behavior you are currently engaging in IS A FAR BIGGER PROBLEM.

>And yes something can be racial without being racist. But if you're being clubsy with such a touchy issue, you deserve the backlash.

I think you're the one being clubsy in your thinking, and you're the backlash. You don't have to be either.

>Touching racial subjects is very hard. It's like playing with fire.

Only if you're a child about things.

>I don't feel like it's going on a limb to say that the directors burned themselves on this one.

You're absolutely going out on a limb, and they didn't burn anything.


Zealousideal_Tip_437 t1_j6ot87z wrote

Cause it looks mids and no ones watched it


kirill_da_thrill OP t1_j6ow8r1 wrote

Lots of people watched it and they had me on the trailer because of "What's the difference"


cubanesis t1_j6otafi wrote

I think you might just be ahead of the game o. This one OP. The next post on my feed was an article making the points you’re making.


kirill_da_thrill OP t1_j6ow5f0 wrote

Well obviously some people in the jewish community will be offended. Not the best timing to have someone support Farrakhan and not getting called out on it + the kanye soundtrack


Intravertedsugar t1_j6ote60 wrote

I think being familiar with Kenya’s prior work adds context. He uses tongue in cheek comedy that is based on his observations. You don’t have to agree but it’s not like this was written by maniacal white dudes. The guy created Black-ish and is generally regarded as being pretty in touch.


kirill_da_thrill OP t1_j6ovx9h wrote

Not familiar with his work but this feels clumbsy and only acceptable because it is currently pilitically correct. I feel like it will age very poorly


Intravertedsugar t1_j6oxb7m wrote

You could be right. But I actually felt that, while maybe they weren’t fantastic jokes, it didn’t bother me. The only sin to me is rehashing a concept that’s been done several times and selling it as “new”. I’ll say, as a Jew though, we aren’t out here getting mad every time Kanye plays. I have Kyrie on my fantasy team… generations of marginalization make pretty thick skin 🤷🏻


dysfunctionalpress t1_j6otm20 wrote

the thing that bugged me was that julia louis drefuss' character may have been obnoxious- but it wasn't on purpose. eddie murphy's character was purposely being a racist asshole- he deserved the dressing down he got at the ultimately cancelled wedding by the groom, but her character really didn't deserve the same type of vitriol. i'm not saying she was in the right, just that her "transgressions" weren't on purpose, and she was actually trying to be nice. eddie murphy wasn't.


KingRemoStar t1_j6ouejl wrote

It was good and funny. Tough crowd here maybe some felt offended by the movie..


PropJoe421 t1_j6oum90 wrote

It wasn't funny and it was 30 minutes too long. JLD and Duchoveny hammered their one joke into the ground, Long and London's character had no personality, Hills character was incredibly unlikable (finance bro, but he quits his stable job so he can create a podcast about the culture), Rhea Perlman barely had a line.


kirill_da_thrill OP t1_j6ovq65 wrote

Also why wasn't there any scenes of awkwardness between the try hard oblivious to her racism mom and the stiff antisemitic dad?


atomiccheesegod t1_j6ovhpj wrote

I watched it and it’s one of the most cringe films I’ve seen in a while. I didn’t think it was offensive but then again I’m not Jewish or Muslim. I did google Louis Farrakhan afterward and….yikes that’s just peak cringe.

this movie had a amazing cast but it felt extremely stiff and non-organic. Eddie Murphy’s character is irrationally angry at everything. He doesn’t like non-Muslims, seems to openly hate Jews. He doesn’t like white peoples, and even openly mocks light skin black people in the opening scene.

This movie is essentially “Jews=rich, white=bad, black=angry”

Also on a separate note Jonah Hill isn’t looking well, he looks a decade older than the character he is playing.


kirill_da_thrill OP t1_j6oyfy6 wrote

I think it's because he lost a lot of weight (good on him) which can cause a bit of saggy skin which can make you look older.

im not sure though

as for the movie, I think the worst character was Mo. I don't know if you agree but I just couldn't stand her and she propagates the idea that white people and black people don't belong and it sounds so offf to me


atomiccheesegod t1_j6p1e7g wrote

I did really understand her point in being in the film honestly, she was simultaneously on a successful podcast with a white dude that was all about “culture” (whatever that means) and in the mindset that blacks people and white people are natural enemies


Jrubas t1_j6or0sn wrote

We have taken a huge step back in terms of race relations in the US, and much of the blame lies with social activists, media figures, politicians, and hard left / right internet dwellers like the ones on Twitter and Reddit. There are certainly real racial issues, but those groups I've just named have been feverishly fanning the flames for a good ten years now. They take every real event (such as someone using the N word) and blow it so far out or proportion that you can't help coming away feeling hopeless and angry.

And the activists on either side work overtime to make everyone hate each other, because those activists themselves are full of hate. Notice how their approach to most issues involves being mad at one another, othering the opposition (and ourselves), and generally being an all around fucking prick. Something like "You People" is just a manifestation of that.

The people who really do care about racial issues have, by and large, been misled by bad faith actors whose "solutions" are akin to amputating a leg to cure a sprained ankle.


liquid_at t1_j6oo0v7 wrote

sweet innocent child...

You have not learned yet that the idea for "holy war" and "suicide bombers" were introduced into the middle east by the CIA who wanted to weaponize religion against Russia...

Meanwhile you ignore the "troubles" in the UK, where catholics and protestants killed each other on a daily basis or the KKK and their racism against black people....

People are People and those groups you are a part of will always tell you that the others are all bad by nature, but how you are born good...

Just like the moronic people who believe that movies are always supposed to be moral guides for people on how to live their life. Society changing... never happened according to them. Critical Thinking... not anything these people are capable of...

And it would be that simple... If you get emotional over anything other people do, you are the problem. It's really not that hard. Emotions are your enemy, but getting to a point where logical thinking can take over, takes years of education and personal growth.


kirill_da_thrill OP t1_j6orjfi wrote

You being a sociopath thinking it makes you a cold blooded sociopath has nothing to do with this.

People are affected by the content they consume. Or have you not heard of what propaganda is???

Don't get me wrong, this movie is not propaganda. But it does affect your perceptions of things.

Also people are not numbers so rational and logical thinking won't help you understand the basic issue with this movie which is racism and bugotry in interpersonal relations


liquid_at t1_j6osenk wrote

I'm well aware of what propaganda is and you have gobbled it all up...

The CIA admitted to having done this... this is public knowledge and you are just a FOIA-Request away from hearing it directly from them...

Or you choose to believe the politicians and the media, because when have they ever lied to you? right?


Uncomfortable truth is still truth...


kirill_da_thrill OP t1_j6ox9zk wrote

I'm not even talking about the CIA, you lunatic!

I was talking about the movie.

I have more important things to care about than the CIA.

PS: take off your tinfoil hat, it looks ridiculous!


liquid_at t1_j6p94zp wrote

Your decision to ignore the parts that were about movies.

But if you think that things the offenders admitted to are "tinfoil hat conspiracies", it's pretty clear to me now what your "reality" looks like...
