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stunkdunkly t1_j6knzfd wrote

Where did I imply that there aren’t recurring themes or character beats? And what have they been doing for the last 4 years if “similar driving forces” haven’t materialized in any meaningful way yet?


magus-21 t1_j6kq62o wrote

>Where did I imply that there aren’t recurring themes or character beats?

I didn't say you implied that. You asked for "an example of the sort of thing I’m missing out on if I saw Eternals but didn't see Black Widow," and I answered with an example of a thing that you would need to follow through multiple movies.

>And what have they been doing for the last 4 years if “similar driving forces” haven’t materialized in any meaningful way yet?

Iron Man came out in 2008. Avengers came out in 2012. "Four years" is not a long time in the context of the MCU.


stunkdunkly t1_j6krgmw wrote

I just asked what they’d been doing. What value do they have before they’re built off of years later? You say they aren’t shallow or meaningless but it sounds like they’re in a holding pattern, maybe indefinitely.


magus-21 t1_j6kt6gu wrote

>What value do they have before they’re built off of years later? You say they aren’t shallow or meaningless but it sounds like they’re in a holding pattern, maybe indefinitely.

Honestly, I share the same concern. They're obviously setting the stage for some kind of multiversal/cosmic conflict, but the multiverse is just a setting, not a story hook, and "setting the stage" means your play hasn't even started yet.

The problem is that the current MCU doesn't have a story hook that teases something revolutionary (like what "the Avengers Initiative" from Iron Man did) or a main villain like Thanos to threaten the newly established status quo. So yeah, it does feel like a holding pattern. But that's also why I said I'm withholding my judgment until they start showing their cards.


Bomber131313 t1_j6kysbc wrote

> like they’re in a holding pattern, maybe indefinitely.

Holding pattern seems like the wrong term, more of an establishing peroid. Like they did pre first Avengers. They are setting up the pieces to fight the next big baddie.