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PropJoe421 t1_j5zzwr1 wrote

I always get Aeon Flux and Ultraviolet confused.


Perpete t1_j60bw81 wrote

Now that you point it... I'm still not sure what's happening in each one independently.


DreamcastJunkie t1_j60owvg wrote

The show doesn't make sense, either, but the show not making sense is on purpose. Screwing with the audience is half of the point.


PoopStickler69 t1_j60vnkh wrote

Ultraviolet had some of the worst CG I’ve ever seen. An absolutely terrible film.


Apart_Design_4992 t1_j60sc3h wrote

Both are unsuccessful sci-fi movies staring female action stars that came out months apart. So I don't blame you.


Now_Wait-4-Last_Year t1_j61msf6 wrote

Aeon Flux the movie was too weird for regular audiences but not weird enough for fans of the animated show.


PureImplosion t1_j6118s8 wrote

Unfortunately she understood nothing about what made Æon Flux great. Yeah, she tried to emulate some of the imagery but without any soul or message behind it.


res30stupid t1_j61mit3 wrote

Also, she had to tone down the sex appeal becauce A) the studio wanted a PG-13 rating, and B) ...There was no way they could've adapted Aeon's outfit faithfully and not have it slip off at inopportune moments.


AmeliaMangan t1_j61ugxk wrote

Yep. The key to understanding Aeon Flux is to grasp that the war between Monica and Bregna absolutely does not matter one little bit: it's a pretext by which two perverts explore their sexual fascination with one another and play endless games of sadomasochistic one-upmanship. It's a kinky Spy Vs. Spy, a satire of Star Wars-like SFF morality plays; trying to actually make the Monica-Bregna thing important just turns AF into that which it's satirizing.

(And don't even get me started on turning Trevor into an unambiguous good guy, because Jesus Christ.)


DarkReaper90 t1_j622nze wrote

Sounds exactly like the same problem with Ghost in the Shell


PureImplosion t1_j634c1d wrote

I would say that at least the Ghost in the Shell movie tried, and failed.

The Æon Flux one didn't even try.


fuckeh t1_j646nh6 wrote

I still liked ghost in the shell and I first saw the anime like in 99. It could have been way better but if I just stepped away from the anime and viewed the movie as it’s own thing it was kinda cool.


mrbrick t1_j63sra5 wrote

When ever I think about the Ghost In The Shell movie I struggle to think of anything that happens in it. Or even what happens.


MeadowmuffinReborn t1_j61evhn wrote

Overlooked director. The Invitation was really interesting, and Jennifer's Body is genius


Owasso_Landman t1_j5zzugb wrote

Seems like she’s done some good TV work.


Character_Vapor t1_j60xfom wrote

Really solid TV stuff, and her subsequent film work - Jennifer's Body, The Invitation, and Destroyer - are all great.


sundaynightheat99 OP t1_j616lra wrote

Thanks for reminding me to watch Destroyer. I love Jennifer's Body and The Invitation.


-OQO- t1_j627n8r wrote

DESTROYER (proper title) is one of my top ten films of all time. I need to see it again but I’m a slack ass victim of what’s on my streaming packages, (the big two, red and blue) how can I even call myself a human, I don’t know.


Knife2MeetYouToo t1_j6157ru wrote

> Jennifer's Body

That did not hold up so good to a rewatch. Felt incredibly dated and old fashioned.


Character_Vapor t1_j61piib wrote

I don’t really get hung up on things being “dated”. It’s perfectly okay if a movie feels like a product of it’s time.


Owasso_Landman t1_j61czz3 wrote



Knife2MeetYouToo t1_j61dpfq wrote

Mostly the screenplay. Diablo Cody does not write screenplays that hold up to time, tons of old references and outdated slang.


MeadowmuffinReborn t1_j61es4o wrote

Is that a bad thing? It's virtually impossible for a movie not become dated in some way, even if it's something unavoidable like hairstyles.


Knife2MeetYouToo t1_j61f8ds wrote

Cody inserts tons of topical references and dialogues so her screenplays go out of date much faster than most films.

Some films are timeless, others quickly expire. Most depends on how much the writing relies on current events and trends.


MeadowmuffinReborn t1_j61gjnv wrote

Topical references don't really bother me, in fact I love them, but that may be more of my personal taste and you see it differently.

To me, topicality in movies and other media represents a snapshot of the time and place of when it was made, and to me, that gives it a texture and verisimilitude.

Like in Knocked Up, Leslie Mann gets upset because she wants to see Spider-Man 3 with her husband, which instantly dates that movie to 2007. I like that kind of stuff. It makes it feel more real.

If she had wanted to go see a made up movie instead, or like an ersatz of Spider-Man called Spider-Dude or something, that would take me out of the reality of the film.


BigMax t1_j64jfxh wrote

She said in a podcast recently she did TV work after Aeon Flux since she thought that movie destroyed her career, and she was trying to rebuild it.

It resulted in her excellent storyline on Arrested Development, so it all worked out for the best!


misterbobdobbalina t1_j62poim wrote

I wish all of Liquid Television would just stream somewhere for when I’m stoned at night. The Maxx, Aeon Flux, The Head, Speed Racer. Absolutely scrambled my young mind.


TheBestMetal t1_j63kkej wrote

Excellent thought, better username. Some ridiculous person out there has all the Liquid Television stuff recorded, converted to Blu-Ray and available to buy for a low, low price of $19.99, right?

Edit: That was fast:


misterbobdobbalina t1_j640d9u wrote

Holy smokes!! Thank you for sharing this. This is like an instant add-to-cart!


BehavioralSink t1_j62ssom wrote

Holy crap. I’ve been trying to find this anime for years where this racer is disintegrating while trying to catch a ghost on the track, and turns out it was part of Liquid Television. Thanks for providing the missing keywords for my search! 😂


fuckeh t1_j6477nh wrote

Wow thanks for reminding me of The Maxx. I have a few of those comics stored at my moms house still. I loved Image Comics.

The Head was great too but it was pretty fucking weird for a 10 year old kid..


lucia-pacciola t1_j5zznb0 wrote

I liked the cartoons and the movie adaptation.


monodopple t1_j600cz6 wrote

The invitation and destroyer are pretty good. I really liked destroyer.


bugxbuster t1_j61sheu wrote

I’ve been watching the show Halt and Catch Fire recently and was surprised Kusama directed a handful of the better episodes


localcosmonaut t1_j60gbza wrote

Destroyer is an incredible slow-burn movie that will devastate you if you invest yourself in the story.


DragonTonguePunch t1_j62x7hr wrote

The Invitation and Destroyer are amazing films. I read the former was made without any studio backing so Kusama and the writers (one of whom she is married to) had complete creative control over it.


McQueensbury t1_j63pxe3 wrote

Æon Flux the movie was horrible there are just some material that big studios shouldn't touch


mrbrick t1_j63tfap wrote

Looking up what Peter Chung is up to these days and it looks like hes trying to get a live action Aeon Flux show off the ground. Would be neat to see his attempt at doing so. Hopefully they can keep it just as weird.