Submitted by VeryBonelessPizza t3_10np11u in movies

I personally don't get scared by horror movies often, I recently just went and rewatched the conjuring 1 and 2, so when I heard about Sinister and how about 78% of people say that it's one of the scariest horror movies ever made, I had to watch it. I'm going to be completely honest and say that more than a few times it had me spooked. I love the plot because it actually makes sense, and the characters aren't so stupid like other movies. Everything in it seems actually plausible. I will say that Sinister 2 was pretty lackluster but where it has it's flaws, it shines in the creativity of it's kills. 10/10 would watch again



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Rick-burp-Sanchez t1_j69zpfa wrote

Yesss!!! I love the OST. So creepy. Too bad the second one sucks.


VeryBonelessPizza OP t1_j69zxvo wrote

Yea the second sinister is just horrible, they show Mr. Boogie way to often

I'm not even going to try to spell Mr. Boogie's real name XD


garrisontweed t1_j6a3fit wrote

Loved the Visual style of this.I will say Ethan Hawkes Cardigan looked comfy as hell.

The one thing i hated was that cheap jump scare at the end.Seemed like something the studio added.


not_cinderella t1_j6a12in wrote

I like it but I didn't find it that scary, I think because it was so hyped up for me as the scariest movie ever. It's incredibly well made and well constructed though and Ethan Hawke is fantastic as the lead.


MondoUnderground t1_j6a5q5v wrote

I would have liked it if it was just about Ethan Hawke finding and watching a bunch of fucked up snuff tapes. The paranormal shit was so lame and unintentionally funny. How could anyone take Baghuuuuul seriously? Guy looks like the most generic nu-metal asshole out there.


VeryBonelessPizza OP t1_j6b0y10 wrote

I enjoyed the paranormal stuff because in most horror movies, the main character is somehow dealt a winning hand at the beginning but doesn't realize it until the end, whenever in reality they should have no chance against a demon. In Sinister, the odds are stacked against Ethan Hawke from the beginning, and in the end he loses. To me, Sinister really showed me that horror movies just give the win to the main character, and just make the plot seem like a bunch of unnecessary bullshit. I just love how the plot of Sinister gradually arises. It goes from "children killing their families" to "Holy shit it's a demonic motherfucker who makes kids kill their families"

Besides, if it was just about Ethan Hawke finding snuff tapes, then the movie might as well end immediately after the first tape because all he would've had to do is call 911 and it's over.


DemonicFluffyMog t1_j6ailxy wrote

Not even close


SPorterBridges t1_j6b8k9k wrote

It loses it about 2/3 of the way through and has the stupidest ending in a horror movie. Ooooo, the dude jumps in front of the camera. Dumb.

Also, the film implies there's this ancient, supernatural demon character running around carrying a video camera while murdering people. That's just hilarious.

Edit: Oh, wait. The kids are murdering people while carrying video cameras. That's less hilarious but not scary.


VeryBonelessPizza OP t1_j6b1b5y wrote

Mind telling me what the scariest horror movie of all time is then? I'd be happy to watch it. If it spooks me more than Sinister then I've got a new favorite movie


DemonicFluffyMog t1_j6cf3no wrote

Off the top of my head, Martyrs, A Serbian Movie, Cannibal Holocaust, Salo and Irreversible. And I haven't even had my morning coffee yet


AdmiralCharleston t1_j6csr8b wrote

I don't agree that sinister I'd the scariest film either but none of those are scary. Moreso disturbing/extreme but not scary in the way that sinister is considered


-ThatGuy882 t1_j6a0grm wrote

Love Sinister. That film has become a yearly staple for me during the Halloween season.


Ebolatastic t1_j6a8e9u wrote

Didn't find it scary at all. Film spent a lot of time dicking around and then when the answers came, it was weak. Iirc there were alot of cliche jump scares as well


Fetal_Release t1_j6apo8q wrote

Same. I don’t scare,at all really,so look for the “cool” factor in horror movies, this movie gave ne nothin. Felt like trope after trope. Even ?Boogy? was underwhelming. To each their own I guess.


itsserendipitous t1_j6a9l20 wrote

i really enjoyed this movie - the set up is great and loved all those video tapes. really wish the ending matched the rest of the movie (a bit of a let down)


VeryBonelessPizza OP t1_j6azz1e wrote

I liked the end of the movie. It really helped me put into perspective that the main characters of horror movies are just regular people, and would not really stand any real chance against a demon. Especially since the main character is a author, and has no real experience with the supernatural


Jst_anthr_guy_420 t1_j6aeysq wrote

I remember really having a great time with it when I saw it in a packed theater on opening night. But, I rewatched it a few years later and was pretty bored, honestly. I know horror is subjective. But, I feel like this movie doesn’t deserve the hype at all.


tntblowsinurface t1_j6a735c wrote

It's certainly original if that's what you're wanting to say. I liked it quite a bit. Loved the end.


VeryBonelessPizza OP t1_j6azon4 wrote

Me too. It's not often that you see a horror movie where the villain actually wins


mohantharani t1_j6c0ktk wrote

I would argue that often you see the villain win in horror movies than other genres.


VeryBonelessPizza OP t1_j6dysyw wrote

That's because a lot of the time in other movies, the villains are either regular people or some kind of alien. If most horror movies were accurate, you would actually realize that a regular average Joe of a person would have no chance fighting a supernatural and demonic entity.


Defiant-Bed9165 t1_j6azqdr wrote

The opening scene from the first movie is one of the scariest things I have ever seen in a horror movie.


VeryBonelessPizza OP t1_j6b165j wrote

And it was actually filmed on an old camera instead of a new camera and choppily edited to make it look old


HEHEHO2022 t1_j6aq6bb wrote

you mean the film that had one scary scene


tigersanddawgs t1_j6b0863 wrote

Sinister freaking rocks. one of my favorite horror movies ever. so unique and truly f***ed up even if not the scariest movie ever


VeryBonelessPizza OP t1_j6b1k4z wrote

I love it because it's really the only horror movie that actively shows you that you will have no chance when faced up against a demon. As a regular person, you are not going to win a fight against a demon straight from hell.


Huevos___Rancheros t1_j6atxgg wrote

I don’t think it’s one of the scariest horror movie of all time but I can get on board with Baghuul being one of the scariest horror antagonists of all time.


Alone_Pop449 t1_j6av3cg wrote

I will always be grateful for this movie to introduce me to Boards of Canada


midnight_neon t1_j6b8tu5 wrote

It would have been a lot more interesting as >!a cult rather than a supernatural Mr. Boogey. Also some of the other family killings just don't make sense because a child would not be able to physically pull them off.!<

But the buildup was great even if the ending felt deflated, and it had the 5th best jumpscare I've ever seen in a movie


VeryBonelessPizza OP t1_j6b9dhw wrote

I love the ending because it really puts into perspective that a regular person wouldn't be able to defeat a demon straight from hell, unlike other horror movies that seem to dull down what the power of a demon should look like.


FantasiaDolls t1_j6b3x5g wrote

I honestly don't remember large chunks of sinister especially towards the end, but everything to do with the MC finding and watching the tapes is absolutely harrowing. I remember being so tense watching this guy in a dark attic (where anything could pop out) watch that super creepy silent footage. The slow motion ghost children stuff didn't do it for me nor did the ending (it makes sense, just that it didn't spook me) but man if the bits with the footage and the footage itself arent incredibly well done and creepy. Agree, sinister is underrated for sure. It's also one of those movies really enhanced by cutting away before the gore hits, aka 'yard work'


isortoflikebravo t1_j6b6tpx wrote

I’ve never seen it but the commercials use to scare the shit out of me. Way more than any other horror movie commercial or actual movie.


vladivan t1_j6dyh2s wrote

Its a more convoluted and silly version of the ring.


charleyismyhero t1_j6bnr33 wrote

I need to know if this is a troll because I watched the trailer and it looks hokey as all get out.
