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AsimovLiu t1_j6k2k1q wrote

The spirit is kinda there, but what really helped the Rocky movies is the music. Bill Conti's original score (Gonna Fly Now, Going The Distance, The Final Bell, Redemption) and some great pieces (Eye of the Tiger, No Easy Way Out, Burning Heart, Training Montage, Hearts On Fire) added so much intensity and emotion to the scenes, it was very important. However in Creed it's mostly horrible rap, and the OST by Ludwig Göransson isn't up to Conti's. There is no memorable music piece. It might not seems like much but think about Star Wars without Williams. It's simply not as good.


DonCreech t1_j6k8r5t wrote

It might have just been a rumor, but weren't they considering using disco music for the Star Wars soundtrack? That would have been... interesting.


brettmgreene t1_j6nxe7t wrote

No, disco wasn't considered. George Lucas cut the film to existing classical music before hiring John Williams at the suggestion of Steven Spielberg.


crono14 t1_j6l20pe wrote

I think to is that the first Rocky at least spent a lot more time with Rocky in his daily life. He was a poor dude, and his life was hard.

It's been quite a while since I saw the first Creed but the guy had a nice office job and seemingly the support of Apollo's wife to where he really had no reason to fight other than to live up to the Creed name but he also fears it. Rocky on the other hand HAD to fight to survive and even when we see him he's struggling.

I liked the first Creed movie enough but yeah there are no memorable songs that just brings is all together.


DLRsFrontSeats t1_j6m1vsc wrote

>mostly horrible rap

Are you saying the rap used wasn't good? Or that all rap is horrible?

Either way, very white of you lol
