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Laszl0Panaflex t1_j6n56ov wrote

An incredible director, I always wondered what happened to him. The Fall is a modern masterpiece.


PercySledge t1_j6n4qpi wrote

This guy makes 5/10 films that LOOK like 10/10 films and I love it. Only exception is The Cell which is obv 10/10 all around.

Great director with an eye for the spectacular, even if the films themselves don’t always translate.


AmeliaMangan t1_j6nbelh wrote

The Fall is wonderful, too. But yeah, I think he's been kind of hobbled professionally by his disinterest in the actual content of his scripts (by his own admission, all he cares about is whether or not they'll afford him the chance for interesting visuals); every so often, you have to make an actual good movie to remind people why they should keep giving you money to do this. Hopefully, this one will be that actual good movie?


PercySledge t1_j6nh168 wrote

Yeah feel the same. The Fall was BEAUTIFUL but even that, being one of his more clear personal visions, failed a bit on the story side (for me at least).

I always check for his work though.


Houli_B_Back t1_j6n9zer wrote

Tarsem always reminded me of Alex Proyas; they both came out of the gate with a couple of masterpieces: The Cell/The Fall, The Crow/Dark City, then they both kind of fell off the map afterwards.


ImportantPainting t1_j6n97oy wrote

Omg Tarsem Singh is back, I thought he'd never make a film again since the only thing he did in like 7 years was that Lady Gaga music video. Dude has made some of the most gorgeous movies (aside from Self/Less)


Kyriio t1_j6n7kr3 wrote

I'll always like Mirror Mirror, even though it's clearly not a great film. With that cast (Julia Roberts! Nathan Lane! Sean Bean!), costumes (RIP Eiko Ishioka) and music (Alan Menken!), it only needed a better script to be a classic. It was the beginning of CGI overuse in Hollywood, but Tarsem's sensibilities made it age rather well.


AmeliaMangan t1_j6nbagt wrote

It's a fun little flick! I think coming out at the same time as Snow White and the Huntsman kind of hurt it, even though their respective approaches to the subject matter couldn't possibly be more different.