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Default_Sock_Issue t1_j6f4xiw wrote

Where are you pulling that stat from?


olgil75 t1_j6f8fxw wrote

Here's a comprehensive list of 520 Found Footage Films. As of 2022, IMDB has 629,807 movie entries in its database Those 500+ movies make up 0.08% of IMDB's database. Obviously both lists might not include everything, but it's at least a good metric to give us a rough idea.

In 2016 there were 736 films released in theaters in the United States, meaning in a single year more movies were released in theaters in the United States than even exist in the found footage genre. And that's not even including all the direct-to-DVD and streaming exclusive releases. India releases thousands of movies every year and countries like China, Japan, United Kingdom, Germany, France, and Italy also release a lot of folks every year. Nigeria also has a rather substantial film industry as well.

In short, you really are complaining about a fraction of a fraction of the movies in existence.

EDIT: IMDB lists 1,388 Horror Movies released in 2021 and this comprehensive list of Found Footage Movies indicates 3 were released in 2021. That's less than a percent...


Default_Sock_Issue t1_j6f92hh wrote

What's the percentage of user review rating above 8 in the whole of the IMDB database?


olgil75 t1_j6faadh wrote

What does this have to do with anything? I'm not here saying found footage movies are masterpieces in the cinematic landscape. I was literally just backing up what the other redditor said about this genre being less than a percent of movies. Why are you so salty about being proven wrong?

EDIT: Just to further drive home this point because you're being such a dick about it...IMDB lists 1,388 Horror Movies released in 2021 and this comprehensive list of Found Footage Movies indicates 3 were released in 2021. That's less than a percent...


Default_Sock_Issue t1_j6fbz86 wrote

its just an opinion guy. Thanks for digging into stats though. I know i responded on your other post as well. Be well.


olgil75 t1_j6fd6na wrote

I don't care about your opinion of the quality of found footage movies. But you can't say, "iT's mY oPiNiOn ThErE aRe A lOt ReLeAsEd," when that is easily disproved with facts.