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olgil75 t1_j6fflxo wrote

Not only is it not true, it's never been true. Here is a comprehensive list of every found footage movie that's been released over the years. It indicates only three were released in 2021. According to this list on IMDB, there were 1,388 horror movies released in 2021. That means 3 out of 1,388 horror movies or 0.2% were found footage films, lol.

EDIT: It's weird that OP would even make that claim because elsewhere in this thread they linked to a horror movie database that's incomplete and doesn't include every horror movie by a long shot. But even the information they provided has found footage films at 1.7% of their total database and 2.9% of the movies released in 2022. It's laughable to talk about these films as though they're a huge part of the film industry or horror genre.