Submitted by qaz3d25 t3_10pmxyi in movies

How do you think it will all work out? Did you like the first? How about TWOW? Do you think it will just keep getting better through she series? All your opinions and predictions, I want them here.

Personally, I love the Pandora universe, ATWOW was my favorite movie ever and the original is my second, I think it'll just keep getting better and it's going to go absolutely wild.

I've also heard the exact opposite, for some, they hated it (kinda missing out ngl) and they think it's going to get progressively worse.

Tldr: only the first paragraph matters.



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Outrageous-Event785 t1_j6lkjut wrote

I love the first Avatar, and Avatar 2 I think is better than the first.


[deleted] t1_j6ljjgc wrote

They're great movies.


jmarchese01 t1_j6lu8oi wrote

First was ok, nothing special. The 2nd one i enjoyed quite a lot arguably a top 5 movie for me in 2022


TheTurtleShepard t1_j6lg2ua wrote

They are fun movies and great theater experiences. They don’t hold up as well outside of the theater (still decent but these are movies really made for the big screen)

I’m certainly excited to see what the next movie will be


CH23 t1_j6m3q0o wrote

Great tech demos, but bad movies.


No_Yesterday_3044 t1_j6ltb2p wrote

Load of shit


qaz3d25 OP t1_j6lu581 wrote

Care to elaborate at all?

I have a friend who thinks the same, he doesn't elaborate and I'm just trying to understand it.

At the very least you can appreciate the filmmaking


TheDaysKing t1_j6ngbxk wrote

To quote Ron Burgundy: "Compelling and rich."

They aren't my favorite movies or anything, but I do quite enjoy them. The world, the characters, the general tone and atmosphere. I even enjoy the cheesy, generic, old school storylines. More than anything, though, I just appreciate the amount of effort they put into these things.

If ATWOW is any indication, then I do think they'll continue to get better as it goes on. The storytelling will likely improve, but I wonder if the special effects won't be as stunning if/when the franchise outlives James Cameron.


ToxicAdamm t1_j6lrg5w wrote

They’re kind of like roller coasters for me. I go and have a great time and then don’t think of them again.


mickeyflinn t1_j6mki1t wrote

They are two excellent movies and I am so excited about the next ones.


Betrayer_Trias t1_j6n2jxe wrote

They're fine. Lots of visual splendour, but I don't like... care about any of the characters and the plots are bland and formulaic. They're a solid theater experience but I don't dwell on them afterward, as I would with movies that I find to be truly great. More like potato chips than a steak dinner.

I do legitimately respect how... earnest they are, that's not very common these days. Even if my eyes want to roll out of my head at times.


IOnlySayMeanThings t1_j6nsgl4 wrote

I'm amazed anyone liked the second one. Pretty visuals are not enough for me and the complete lack of a cohesive message or story in TWOW was astounding.

Why is the Earth bankrolling a multi-trillion dollar revenge mission to kill a man who doesn't really even hold much power on Pandora?
Same villain? Really? Why would it be important to the mission to get the same guy? Expensive.
So, violence bad or violence necessary? Not sure of the message here. Sully seemed like he's suddenly anti-violence as an excuse to go find water people.
Often times the movies are "pretty" but feel like they were assembled in a Spencer's Gifts.

I could pretty much go on all day, but the more I think about the movie, the less I seem to like it.


qaz3d25 OP t1_j6o8lm0 wrote

>Why is the Earth bankrolling a multi-trillion dollar revenge mission to kill a man who doesn't really even hold much power on Pandora?

He's toruk makto and was olo'ektan, he might have been the most powerful na'vi anywhere, as well as leading the insurgency, he was the most wanted to the RDA.

Also, they didn't spend probably more than a million hunting him, there was one drop in the hallelujah mountains and then they piggybacked on the tulkun hunting, basically a background operation.

>Same villain? Really? Why would it be important to the mission to get the same guy? Expensive.

He knows how Jake works and remember, his plan would have worked, the na'vi were loosing before thousands of animals came after them, and now they won't cause he's a recom.

>So, violence bad or violence necessary? Not sure of the message here.


>Sully seemed like he's suddenly anti-violence as an excuse to go find water people.

Your family not being part of a war is a very good start to not getting your family killed. He went to find the Metkayina in order to get his family out of danger.

If you look into the movie, there is an explanation for everything.


IOnlySayMeanThings t1_j6okxv4 wrote

>He's toruk makto and was olo'ektan, he might have been the most powerful na'vi anywhere, as well as leading the insurgency, he was the most wanted to the RDA.

Yes, but that didn't seem to matter much at all in TWOW. It got him a place to stay. None of the forest people even went with him. He was just running away and completely abandoned the forest people. How was he so sure that they wouldn't be attacked? If he was gone, why not just firebomb the forest again? I just don't see the point of a revenge mission when they have larger objectives. Why not relocate and start your mining and resource operations in a less populated area of the planet and spread from there? I'd have thought the water people coming to Sully and being like "Hey, uh, we found Humans" would be more sensible.

>Also, they didn't spend probably more than a million hunting him, there was one drop in the hallelujah mountains and then they piggybacked on the tulkun hunting, basically a background operation.

a million? There was a whole team of avatars, clone badguy, travel to another system, which would still cost money even if they were paying somebody who was already going. They had plenty of gear. Here in real life, you hit $1 million very fast during a military operation. There's no way it was cheap.

>Your family not being part of a war is a very good start to not getting your family killed. He went to find the Metkayina in order to get his family out of danger.

So relocate your family temporarily and handle it? Instead of abandoning your new people and bringing the danger to a new set of unprepared people. Did he think they wouldn't find him? If they couldn't, they'd capture and torture forest people for his location. He had to know he couldn't just hide. As you said "He's toruk makto and was olo'ektan."

It just seemed to me like lame reasons for everything.


qaz3d25 OP t1_j6oq5xp wrote

>Yes, but that didn't seem to matter much at all in TWOW. It got him a place to stay.

Yep it did, I'm not sure what your point is, he got another home, clans don't do that normally.

>He was just running away and completely abandoned the forest people. How was he so sure that they wouldn't be attacked?

He wasn't, he only cared about his family at that moment

>If he was gone, why not just firebomb the forest again?

They're trying to make it the new home for humanity, firebombing is what they already did to make the city and they learned they can't torch planets just like they probably did earth cause when they did, they needed another planet to go to.

>I just don't see the point of a revenge mission when they have larger objectives.

They can do both, and it's not a revenge mission, it's the same idea as a fugitive. In their eyes they're bringing him to justice.

>Why not relocate and start your mining and resource operations in a less populated area of the planet and spread from there?

Because they know this area, because there are mines that are mostly prepared and not fully gone, because it's a port, because it was a good landing zone, because they knew how the natives would fight (the devil we know) because this is a company, not a military and saving money in any way is their goal, because we don't know the laws of the earth governments in the 2160's on Pandora.

>I'd have thought the water people coming to Sully and being like "Hey, uh, we found Humans" would be more sensible.

  1. He'd have already had a war he was fighting

  2. He's not protecting his family then, what's the point? He fights for the tribe he is a part of.

>a million? There was a whole team of avatars, clone badguy, travel to another system, which would still cost money even if they were paying somebody who was already going. They had plenty of gear.

Already going to happen independent of Jake Sully, if you subtract what was already planned to happen before the fight in avatar 1 from what they spent, under a million

If you're talking the whole plan, then yes, far more than a million, but the entire Jake-hunting-mission so far was supposed to be uncomplicated and pretty cheap. Didn't turn out that way, but it was meant to.

>you hit $1 million very fast during a military operation.

Company, not a military

>So relocate your family temporarily and handle it? Instead of abandoning your new people and bringing the danger to a new set of unprepared people. Did he think they wouldn't find him?

Isn't that what he's doing? At the end he goes (paraphrasing) "I now know I can't protect my family by running, it's time to face them"

And yes, they wouldn't have found him until Norm's Samson troop carrier flew out to find Kiri.

>If they couldn't, they'd capture and torture forest people for his location.

He told them he was going to "the ocean tribes" and also, as it says, "they are a world themselves" the ocean tribes are massive, they wouldn't have found him, they couldn't even find him in a 50 tribe island group

>He had to know he couldn't just hide. As you said "He's toruk makto and was olo'ektan."

If you don't tell someone where you're going, then they won't know, capture a forest person "he's somewhere with an ocean tribe" capture a person from the ocean tribes, then Tonowardi already told them not to tell the humans where Jake was.

>It just seemed to me like lame reasons for everything.

You want them to be lame, so you don't think them through, don't call out a movie for your own fault.


IOnlySayMeanThings t1_j6or8su wrote

Lame is a matter of opinion. I don't agree that your/their explanations are good and correcting military to company does not really answer the point.

>You want them to be lame, so you don't think them through, don't call out a movie for your own fault.

Jake's motivations to me seemed unrealistic. Everything about the plot to me felt weak. I liked the first one, too. You asked people to elaborate in another comment and now you are obviously taking offense.


qaz3d25 OP t1_j6pir9a wrote

>correcting military to company does not really answer the point.

I did that in the points above

>You asked people to elaborate in another comment and now you are obviously taking offense.

Yeah no I'm not taking offense, gotta be honest, I did just want to hear people out, then I woke up and I was sick and I get bored really fast at home, so this was just something to keep me busy, sorry if I harassed you or something, everyone can have their own opinion


TappyMauvendaise t1_j6nu47h wrote

Love Avatar. I was blown away in 2009. I was blown away in 2022. Love both. Love the story. Love James Cameron. The music is magnificent.


pyrotek1 t1_j6lheal wrote

If the objective of a movie is to feel as though you have escaped reality for even a few minutes. Avatar does a good job of catching the minds eye and holding it. Much of the story is a foreign environment this holds the eye and allows your mind to hold on to the story.

The story is Fern Gulley, an older animated video and graphic novel.


Outrageous-Event785 t1_j6lktwz wrote

I dont remember Fern gully having sentient whale-like creatures befriending an outcast blue alien, an immaculate conception kid having connection with the planet, bioluminescent forest and creatures, cool human tech... I doubt you even watched Ferngully.


Dragmire_Afterlife t1_j6ldq2d wrote

It made a lot of money but I've not really heard many people talk about it. They few who I have heard talk about it said they liked it or it at least looked good.


qaz3d25 OP t1_j6lucpu wrote

I've found (at least for me) people want to hate it, I say I lake it and I have 1-3 people telling me why I don't at any given time, when I do get a nice conversation with someone they normally liked it

Seems like a loud minority that doesn't like it, but they shut up the quiet majority sometimes



[deleted] t1_j6ljb8w wrote



[deleted] t1_j6mlvr6 wrote
