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LegalizeApartments t1_j6oec30 wrote

Who are they trying not to offend?

What are the examples of them making a worse story in pursuit of a more “palatable” movie to this audience?

It wasn’t defined at all. “This thing is bad and that’s why things are bad” doesn’t define what “thing” is, only what it causes people to do


Knife2MeetYouToo t1_j6of1r6 wrote

> What are the examples of them making a worse story in pursuit of a more “palatable” movie to this audience?

Wait, seriously?

Oh many examples would you like?

Do I really have to bring up 'Velma' which did exactly that and failed horribly? Or I guess since we're talking about films how about the 2020 film 'The Hunt'?

Black Panther 2? Ghostbusters (2016)? They/Them? Nope?

Every Pixar film over the last few years?

Man there are HUNDREDS of examples, I'm barely scratching the surface.


LegalizeApartments t1_j6ogcn9 wrote

Lots of projects fail, that’s normal. Never heard of the hunt. Not sure what black panther 2 and ghost busters have in common, unless you just…see the number of women go up and get mad?

Nope was merely okay, a bit too heady for me but I get what they were trying to say. Not sure what part of it was woke tho, seemed self-indulgent story about the nature of filmmaking and entertainment. The type of stuff people in the industry enjoy more than normal people do

Like, given the earlier definition, what does a “non-woke” Nope look like? Or black panther 2? Specifically what would you change.


Knife2MeetYouToo t1_j6ohubp wrote

> Lots of projects fail, that’s normal.

These failed for all the same reason, which is NOT normal. Studios generally don't purposefully put out bad products, except over the last few years.

They choose to push a message instead of entertaining, and that is exactly what the problem is. It is as simple as that.


LegalizeApartments t1_j6oiqex wrote

everyone is pushing a message, like "spending 10x on police than you do on education is worthwhile" and "making everyone pay for healthcare separately is good"

why is that not woke?


bazzbj t1_j6ojla2 wrote

You just destroyed their entire argument 😂 we have seen conservative ideas being pushed on all sorts of shows/movies. Looks like we have shows for everyone? Idk why they are snowflakes about it


LegalizeApartments t1_j6ojy5c wrote

Wild to watch the safe space crowd be so mad about this. Like, movies are not representative of a society. If you don’t like something don’t watch it. The US is a huge place, lots to do here, make the most of it lmao

Or they can spend their time getting mad gay/black people and women exist. I’m not their boss


bazzbj t1_j6ok97b wrote

that last part is the real reason tbh they use the word "woke" to hide their real feelings


bazzbj t1_j6oif39 wrote

“Pushing a message” has been around for a loooooooooooooong time my friend. It’s just that you guys have now weaponized the word “woke” to go against anything that is non-traditional. Guess what? A majority of the population supports these “woke messages”. Before you give an example of Velma as “go woke go broke”, we think it sucks as well. Not for the same reasons though.