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SomeShoeDog t1_j6lfari wrote

you’re hysterical, man. like full fight or flight adrenaline rush over a blurry photo of obama holding a vaguely rectangular thing.

have you ever tried mindfulness exercises?


leeswervino t1_j6lfluu wrote

There’s plenty of other sources. Move along troll.


SomeShoeDog t1_j6lfpjs wrote

all i gotta say is that there is an observable reason that you’re getting mercilessly ratio’d 🤷‍♂️


leeswervino t1_j6lfvyc wrote

Because you all feel like bullying someone right now. You’re all still wrong, it’s fine.


SomeShoeDog t1_j6lg78g wrote

hey man. your judgment is fully sound. your facts are checked and there is a 0% chance that obama ever smoked a newport in his life. and comedy has to exclusively be based in fact. this is factual and cannot be argued. thank you for taking the time to educate the rest of us single-brain-celled plebes. your genius knows no bounds and truly you are the king of cigarettes. may your throne be always acrid and properly yellowed from nicotine stains. 🙄


leeswervino t1_j6lgfvh wrote

You’re pathetic. You’re wrong and so now you mock the conversation because you lost. Just move along dude.


SomeShoeDog t1_j6lgjcd wrote

it’s actually weird that you think a conversation can be “won”


leeswervino t1_j6lgmvn wrote

Holy shit. Please man leave me the fuck alone.

I said Obama smokes Marlboros. He does as confirmed by numerous sources and his wife. You said he didn’t. I showed you he did. Therefore you lost and are just pushing buttons now. So stop.