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leeswervino t1_j6lkeb0 wrote

Jesus Christ you’re taking this more seriously than I am if you think I’m going the burner route lol. There’s like one random just calling people dickheads. Everyone else is just jumping on me cause it’s the it thing to do.

It’s a joke. It was a joke post to start for the most part. People are just so stupid man that I gotta then at least attempt to set them straight.


Huevos___Rancheros t1_j6lkszy wrote

> It’s a joke.

Mhm ofc it was that’s why you became completely unhinged and started swearing at everyone and getting into long exchanges. Great sense of humour you got there pal 🤡


leeswervino t1_j6llcnd wrote

I said Marlboros are the anti Newport, lol.

Come on man stop just trying to start shit. Move along.


Huevos___Rancheros t1_j6llmp6 wrote

Oh ya it’s me that’s the one that’s trying to start shit😂😂😂 incredible


leeswervino t1_j6llvb0 wrote

I’m not starting anything. I had a factual point to prove and I did. I can’t help it if you people can’t read. Now bye.